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Legende legate de jocuri ruleta casino
De-a lungul timpului, jucătorii înrăiți, dar nu numai, și-au dat concursul în elaborarea de diverse metode de a înșela roata ruletei, în speranța ghicirii mai ușor a numărului câștigător. Unele legende urbane circulă și în ziua de astăzi, vorbind despre mecanisme și magneți plasați sub roata ruletei, care să o facă să se oprească la numărul dorit de noi. De asemenea, s-a vorbit de multe ori despre trucuri venite chiar din partea patronilor de cazinouri, care ar acționa roata ruletei cu o pedală, cu ajutorul căreia să-o oprească pe poziția dorită, astfel încât să ia banii jucătorilor. Toate acestea nu stau însă în picioare, bazându-se pe niște elemente care, verificate, nu au condus la nicio bază reală. Astfel, ruleta casino nu este controlată de niciun fel de mecanisme cu pedală, după cum la jocuri ruleta casino nu prea există elemente metalice care să poată fi controlate de magneți. Astfel, dacă bila a fost construită la început din fildeș, căsuțele numerotate pe care se oprește aceasta sunt construite din aluminiu, un metal care, de asemenea, nu are proprietăți magnetice.
Cum au apărut cazinourile online
Odată cu apariția internetului, ruleta casino a s-a mutat ușor-ușor spre zona de ruleta online. Regulile de bază de la ruleta casino s-au păstrat aproape intacte, diferența fiind că la ruleta online pariurile se fac direct din fața calculatorului, fără a mai avea nevoie de dealeri sau de crupieri. Astfel, la jocuri ruleta online, mizele se fac cu ajutorul jetoanelor valorice colorate, exact ca la cazinourile în fizic, iar plasarea mizelor se face cu ajutorul mouse-ului. Poți alege să pui un jeton pe un singur număr, după cum poți plasa jetonul pe linia care desparte două numere alăturate, pentru un pariu de tip split. Nu în ultimul rând, la jocuri ruleta online, ai posibilitatea de a paria pe trei, patru sau cinci numere, după cum poți plasa mai multe jetoane pe căsuțe diferite, pentru a-ți multiplica șansele de câștig la jocuri ruleta casino.

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Se spune că nu există jocuri ruleta online profitabile, după cum nu există nici cazinouri profitabile, mai toate fiind în permanent avantaj față de jucători. În mare, acest lucru este adevărat, judecând după profiturile înregistrate de marile cazinouri, care provin, în mare parte, din banii pierduți, nu neapărat din banii jucați la jocuri slot sau la jocuri ruleta online. În realitate însă, poți alege un joc ruleta online cât de cât avantajos pentru tine, după cum îți poți alege și cazinoul online. Toate acestea pot fi selectate în funcție de rata de câștig, un indicator pe care foarte puține dintre cazinouri îl afișează. Rata câștigului nu reprezintă neapărat profitul, ca rezultat dintre încasări și pierderi, ci banii pe care un cazinou îi acordă jucătorului în unitatea de timp. Este un indicator cât se poate de exact și care în puține cazuri este publicat de administratorii de site-uri sau de cazinouri în fizic.
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În încercarea de a câștiga la ruleta bonus online și jocuri ruleta casino, în general, jucătorii au inventat de-a lungul timpului numeroase strategii cu ajutorul cărora să încerce falimentarea cazinourilor. Nu știu câți au reușit acest lucru, însă aceștia au lăsat drept moștenire o serie de scheme de joc, ce pot fi încercate la jocuri ruleta casino online fără nicio opreliște. Astfel, cu toții ați auzit probabil de martingale sau de schema biaritz, care nu sunt în fond decât sisteme de joc perpetuate de-a lungul timpului printre jucătorii profesioniști de jocuri ruleta casino online. Sistemul martingale nu este folosit doar la jocuri ruleta online, ci la alte tipuri de pariuri, aceasta constând în parierea constantă pe aceeași variantă, de obicei un pariu cu o cotă de 2 la 1, dublând mereu suma. Practic, în momentul în care vei câștiga, vei rămâne în cont cu suma de la care ai pornit inițial. Riscul este să prinzi o serie ghinionistă, în care să pierzi zece sau mai multe runde la rând, caz în care suma pe care va trebui să o pariezi să ajungă la valori astronomice.
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Play slots online with grosvenor casinos
If you’ve just registered with grosvenor casinos, chances are you’re looking to play slots online. With a simple format and fun features, online slots offer a relaxed, low-pressure gaming experience. There’s a wide range of games to choose from with a variety of themes from ancient egypt and lucky leprechauns to hollywood movies and TV gameshows. Each game has its own instructions so even if you’ve never played slots online before, you’ll quickly get to understand which symbols to look out for and how paylines work. Many online slots have free spins rounds where you can spin the reels without staking your cash and exciting features that offer you more chances to win cash prizes.
How to play online slots
So, how do you play online slots? Almost all slot games have the same base instructions - simply click the spin button and the game does the rest!
Slot games do not require any skill or strategy. As wins are down to chance, online slots appeal to all levels of player.
Slot game paylines
To win when you play slots games, you need to match identical symbols in a specific order on the reels. This is called a payline or a win line. Each game will have a different number of paylines. You can see what these are on each in-game help menu. Paylines are often:
- In a row
- In a zig-zag pattern
- In a V shape
- Diagonally
The winning symbols for each game vary, and paylines are weighted differently on each spin. When you are playing with real money, your balance will be debited every time you spin the reels. You will also need to decide how much to stake on each payline to make up your total stake.
Some slots do not use paylines and instead pay out based on the number of symbols you land on the reels. With these types of game, you can have over 2,000 ways to win.
Wilds and scatter symbols
Many slots games include wild symbols, where a special symbol substitutes for all other symbols, helping you create a winning line. For example, if the wild symbol is a lion and you have a payline of giraffe-lion-giraffe, the lion counts as a giraffe symbol to create a win.
Scatter symbols can also appear at random, with a variety of outcomes. They do not need to be in a payline to be activated. In both book of ra deluxe and lord of the ocean, the scatter symbol triggers both the bonus round and counts as wild, substituting for all other symbols.
But don't worry about this too much – all our online slots are fully automated, so you just have to click the one button to play.
Free spins on slots
As well as being ultra-simple, people like to play online slots for their special features and bonus rounds. Free spins offer an additional way to win without paying, adding excitement and variety to our games.
How free spins work
Free spins can be triggered in many ways. Often, they are achieved by landing a specific set of symbols, but they can also be awarded at random. You can also get free spins by collecting a number of symbols and filling up a ‘free spins meter’ inside the game.
For instance, in book of ra deluxe if 3 book symbols land on the reels, you’ll be taken to the free spins feature, where 1 symbol is selected to expand across the reels for multiplied wins across 10 free spins. The lucky lady’s charm online slot offers a free spins bonus in a similar manner – 3 crystal balls on the reels will trigger 15 free spins and your stake multiplier will be trebled for the duration of the bonus round.
Online promotions and free spins bonuses
We often give away free spins as part of our slots promotions, so check out the promotions tab to see what’s on offer this week.
If you’re a new player and can’t decide which slot game to choose, take a look at our range of welcome bonuses, including our £20 bonus offer. Once you’ve deposited, you’ll get extra funds to play any slot game.
Want to play slots on mobile? With grosvenor, it’s easy. Just download the grosvenor casinos app and pick your favourite slot game to get started. We have ios and android versions, so you can play slots and casino games on any of your devices. To never miss a bonus, opt into notifications so you see when our online slots promotions are running.
Experience online casino games with grosvenor
Welcome to grosvenor casinos, where you can play a wide range of games including poker, blackjack, and roulette. There’s something for everyone – join our online live casino or try your hand at a table game. You can also take part in sports betting on a variety of events, such as football, horse racing, or rugby union.
Once you’ve signed up, there are plenty of casino promotions to take advantage of. Explore everything grosvenor casinos has to offer to find the best online casino games.
How to play casino games online
Our online casino is designed with you in mind. At grosvenor casinos we have almost 50 years’ experience in the gambling business and we’ve used that knowledge and expertise to create an accessible website, filled with top-class online games.
Get started and create an account with us:
- Click the join button in the top-right corner of the homepage. If you’re already a member of grosvenor casinos then you can simply login using the details you’ve already given us. Otherwise, you can register as a new customer.
- Once your account is set up, you can take advantage of our generous welcome offers and make your first deposit. Then you can play our online games whenever you choose.
- Use the tabs at the top of the screen to browse our extensive selection of live casino, slots & games, table games, or poker games and tables. We’ll remember which games you’ve played and help you find your favourites next time you visit the site.
- If you’re looking for an authentic experience, try our live casino games. These immersive tables include a variety of classics, such as live blackjack, live baccarat, live roulette, and live poker, all presented to you in stunning HD. Our dealers and live hosts will always be welcoming and happy to help, whether you’re playing online or using our app.
- If you prefer to spin the reels, you’ll find a huge selection of games on our slots page. With hugely popular online casino games, a variety of themes and thrilling features – our stakes start from as little as 10p, so you can play on a budget.
Online casino rules
We strive to offer a relaxed and welcoming environment where you can play our casino games online. However, just as when you visit one of our physical casinos, there are rules that still apply:
Whether on or offline, all players must be over 18 years of age.
Once you’re registered with us, read the rules of the game you want to play. Do this by hovering over its icon and clicking ‘find out more’. This will give you a description of what’s involved, information about unique features, pay-out details, and the min/max stakes. We also usually offer free demo play and often provide in-game screens with further detailed information.
If you want to learn more about our casino games, head over to our youtube channel. Here, you’ll find useful informational videos like how to play blackjack, what to wear to a casino, and casino etiquette. For more advice, read on.
Sports betting
At grosvenor casinos, our online sports betting brings you the best in fixed odds and live betting for all of the biggest games.
We have many sporting events that you can get the odds on, such as football, horse racing, rugby union, and tennis.
Play slots online with grosvenor casinos
If you’ve just registered with grosvenor casinos, chances are you’re looking to play slots online. With a simple format and fun features, online slots offer a relaxed, low-pressure gaming experience. There’s a wide range of games to choose from with a variety of themes from ancient egypt and lucky leprechauns to hollywood movies and TV gameshows. Each game has its own instructions so even if you’ve never played slots online before, you’ll quickly get to understand which symbols to look out for and how paylines work. Many online slots have free spins rounds where you can spin the reels without staking your cash and exciting features that offer you more chances to win cash prizes.
How to play online slots
So, how do you play online slots? Almost all slot games have the same base instructions - simply click the spin button and the game does the rest!
Slot games do not require any skill or strategy. As wins are down to chance, online slots appeal to all levels of player.
Slot game paylines
To win when you play slots games, you need to match identical symbols in a specific order on the reels. This is called a payline or a win line. Each game will have a different number of paylines. You can see what these are on each in-game help menu. Paylines are often:
- In a row
- In a zig-zag pattern
- In a V shape
- Diagonally
The winning symbols for each game vary, and paylines are weighted differently on each spin. When you are playing with real money, your balance will be debited every time you spin the reels. You will also need to decide how much to stake on each payline to make up your total stake.
Some slots do not use paylines and instead pay out based on the number of symbols you land on the reels. With these types of game, you can have over 2,000 ways to win.
Wilds and scatter symbols
Many slots games include wild symbols, where a special symbol substitutes for all other symbols, helping you create a winning line. For example, if the wild symbol is a lion and you have a payline of giraffe-lion-giraffe, the lion counts as a giraffe symbol to create a win.
Scatter symbols can also appear at random, with a variety of outcomes. They do not need to be in a payline to be activated. In both book of ra deluxe and lord of the ocean, the scatter symbol triggers both the bonus round and counts as wild, substituting for all other symbols.
But don't worry about this too much – all our online slots are fully automated, so you just have to click the one button to play.
Free spins on slots
As well as being ultra-simple, people like to play online slots for their special features and bonus rounds. Free spins offer an additional way to win without paying, adding excitement and variety to our games.
How free spins work
Free spins can be triggered in many ways. Often, they are achieved by landing a specific set of symbols, but they can also be awarded at random. You can also get free spins by collecting a number of symbols and filling up a ‘free spins meter’ inside the game.
For instance, in book of ra deluxe if 3 book symbols land on the reels, you’ll be taken to the free spins feature, where 1 symbol is selected to expand across the reels for multiplied wins across 10 free spins. The lucky lady’s charm online slot offers a free spins bonus in a similar manner – 3 crystal balls on the reels will trigger 15 free spins and your stake multiplier will be trebled for the duration of the bonus round.
Online promotions and free spins bonuses
We often give away free spins as part of our slots promotions, so check out the promotions tab to see what’s on offer this week.
If you’re a new player and can’t decide which slot game to choose, take a look at our range of welcome bonuses, including our £20 bonus offer. Once you’ve deposited, you’ll get extra funds to play any slot game.
Want to play slots on mobile? With grosvenor, it’s easy. Just download the grosvenor casinos app and pick your favourite slot game to get started. We have ios and android versions, so you can play slots and casino games on any of your devices. To never miss a bonus, opt into notifications so you see when our online slots promotions are running.
Experience online casino games with grosvenor
Welcome to grosvenor casinos, where you can play a wide range of games including poker, blackjack, and roulette. There’s something for everyone – join our online live casino or try your hand at a table game. You can also take part in sports betting on a variety of events, such as football, horse racing, or rugby union.
Once you’ve signed up, there are plenty of casino promotions to take advantage of. Explore everything grosvenor casinos has to offer to find the best online casino games.
How to play casino games online
Our online casino is designed with you in mind. At grosvenor casinos we have almost 50 years’ experience in the gambling business and we’ve used that knowledge and expertise to create an accessible website, filled with top-class online games.
Get started and create an account with us:
- Click the join button in the top-right corner of the homepage. If you’re already a member of grosvenor casinos then you can simply login using the details you’ve already given us. Otherwise, you can register as a new customer.
- Once your account is set up, you can take advantage of our generous welcome offers and make your first deposit. Then you can play our online games whenever you choose.
- Use the tabs at the top of the screen to browse our extensive selection of live casino, slots & games, table games, or poker games and tables. We’ll remember which games you’ve played and help you find your favourites next time you visit the site.
- If you’re looking for an authentic experience, try our live casino games. These immersive tables include a variety of classics, such as live blackjack, live baccarat, live roulette, and live poker, all presented to you in stunning HD. Our dealers and live hosts will always be welcoming and happy to help, whether you’re playing online or using our app.
- If you prefer to spin the reels, you’ll find a huge selection of games on our slots page. With hugely popular online casino games, a variety of themes and thrilling features – our stakes start from as little as 10p, so you can play on a budget.
Online casino rules
We strive to offer a relaxed and welcoming environment where you can play our casino games online. However, just as when you visit one of our physical casinos, there are rules that still apply:
Whether on or offline, all players must be over 18 years of age.
Once you’re registered with us, read the rules of the game you want to play. Do this by hovering over its icon and clicking ‘find out more’. This will give you a description of what’s involved, information about unique features, pay-out details, and the min/max stakes. We also usually offer free demo play and often provide in-game screens with further detailed information.
If you want to learn more about our casino games, head over to our youtube channel. Here, you’ll find useful informational videos like how to play blackjack, what to wear to a casino, and casino etiquette. For more advice, read on.
Sports betting
At grosvenor casinos, our online sports betting brings you the best in fixed odds and live betting for all of the biggest games.
We have many sporting events that you can get the odds on, such as football, horse racing, rugby union, and tennis.
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