Casino game that starts with a k
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D'alembert system - A staking plan where one unit is added for a losing bet and one deducted for a winning bet.
Deal - to give out the cards during a card game.
Deposit - A payment you make usually to online casinos using a credit card, a web wallet or one of the online payment systems, in order to play casino games for real.
Deuce - A two in dice.
Dice - two identical numbered cubes. (see die below)
die - singular for dice, a cube with numbers on each side, 1 to 6.
Dime bet - A $1,000 wager.
Discard tray - A tray on the dealer’s right side that holds all the cards that have been played or discarded in card games like baccarat, blackjack and poker.
Dollar bet - A $100 wager.
Dolly - unlike the french roulette where the croupier simply points with the stick on the winning number on the table, in the american roulette the croupier uses a marker made of wood or plastic and places it on the table in the square of the winning number. The score marker is called 'dolly' because it has the outline that looks like a doll. Its functionality is primarily to help the players know the winning number until all winnings are paid.
Double or nothing - an even-money bet. A bet that pays off exactly the amount wagered.
Doubling down - A betting option in blackjack where the player's opening two-card hand is turned face up and player's original wager is doubled. The player is then dealt one additional card only, to complete the hand. In the event that the player beats the dealer's hand or the dealer busts, then the player wins twice the amount of their original wager. If the player loses, then the player loses twice the amount of their original wager.
Doubling-up - the basis of some widely used systems. After a loss the player doubles the size of his previous bet hoping to win back the money lost and make a profit. Also known as the martingale system.
Down card - A face down card.
Down to the felt - totally out of money, broke.
Draw - relates to the poker games. Basically it means to draw a card (e.G. If you need a card to make a straight, you are on a 'straight draw' or are 'drawing to a straight'. In 'draw poker' game, it means the second round of cards that are dealt. The word draw has slightly different meanings in different contexts, although generally it has something to do with receiving more cards, with the hope of improving your hand. Draw games are games where at some point during the hand you are allowed to discard some or all of your cards, to be replaced from the deck. Drawing two is thus exchanging two of your cards. 'the draw' is the point during the game at which players may do this. By default, when someone asks you if you want to play some draw, they usually mean five card draw. In other poker games, drawing simply means staying in the game with the hope of improving your hand when more cards come. When you stay in a hand with the hope of improving, you are said to be 'on a draw'.
Drop - money lost.
Drop box - on a gaming table, the box that serves as a repository for cash, markers, and chips.
Casino game that starts with a k
action - the amount of money wagered (put into action) by a player during an entire playing session.
Active player - in poker, one who is still in play.
Add-on - in poker, the facility to buy additional chips in tournaments.
Aggregate limit - total payout liability of a casino during any one game.
Aggregate winnings - cumulative or total winnings.
All-in (also known as "going all-in") - in cardroom poker, to call with (to bet) all your chips. If another player bets more chips than you have in a no limit game, you can go all-in and stake your total stack against an equivalent amount of your opponent's stack.
All or nothing - in keno, a ticket that only pays if either all picked numbers are drawn or none of the picked numbers are drawn.
Ante - in card games, a bet required to begin a hand. The initial compulsory bet before you receive your cards in casino stud poker.
Arcade casino - see "automat club" below
arm - A term used in the game of craps to denote a player who is so skilled at throwing the dice that they are able to alter the conventional odds of the game. Such a player is said to be 'an arm'. Whether or not such individuals actually exist or are simply the product of game legend is debatable. However, it is worth noting that the casino craps dealers are very adamant about the dice being thrown against the far wall of the table to ensure a completely random outcome.
Automat club - also known as videomat casino, arcade casino, slot hall, is a gambling hall that offers automatic games that do not require a casino operator. Examples: slot/video machines, electronic touch-bet roulette, electronic derby horse racing, etc. They are normally open 24 hours or from 10am daily, entry is free, no registration required, the dress code is casual, and there is an in-house bar or snack bar.
baccarat - also called punto banco and chemin de fer (similar to baccarat but requires skill). A table game using 6 or 8 decks of cards which does not require skill. See baccarat on this site.
Banca francesa - literally means french bank, is a dice game common in portuguese casinos. The game is played with three dice on a large table. In a way it is similar to the card game punto banco or baccarat. There are only three types of bets you can place: "big" or "small" or "aces". Big is when the total points of the three dice is 14, 15 or 16. Small is when the total points of the three dice is 5, 6 or 7. Aces is when the total points of the three dice is 3 (one dot per dice). The dealer will be re-rolling the dice until one of these results shows up. Big and small both pay even money while aces pays 61 to 1.
Banker - in card games, the dealer. In some card games, each player becomes a banker/dealer in turn.
Bankroll - also known as 'roll' or 'wad' (colloquial). It pertains to the total money that either the player or the casino has on hand to back their wagering activities. A player's bankroll can be classified as existing on several different levels. At the highest level it pertains to all money specifically set aside to support all gambling activities. A subset of this bankroll is the players traveling bankroll, or the amount of money carried along to support gambling on a particular trip. The traveling bankroll can be further divided into a specific lesser amounts for each day of the trip, or into even smaller amounts called table sitting or session playing stakes which predetermine how much will be risked during any given session or table sitting. These different types of bankrolls often figure into the overall money management strategy the player uses to keep control over their gambling cash activity.
Barred - same as banned. Not allowed to enter the casino premises permanently.
Beef - A dispute or claim involving a player and his bookmaker or a casino dealer. A dispute over the outcome of a bet. A problematic situation involving a bet.
Example of usage: in many casinos, putting paper currency on the pass line (craps game) indicates to the dealer that the cash is betting, and when the dice roll turning a losing outcome, you have got little recourse and are at the mercy of the person manning the box convincing him that you wanted to exchange the money into chips. If the dealer takes the bank note you dropped in front of you on the layout as a lost bet, but NOT on any of the other possible wagers, then you have a legitimate beef. The casino film recording can be reviewed but that does not immunize you for your failure to tell the dealer you want chips in exchange for your currency.
Beginners luck - in gambling, new players often are on a winning streak when they start gambling. Also known as the "honeymoon period".
Bet - wager.
Betting limits - in a table game, the minimum and maximum amounts of money that a player can wager on one bet. You cannot wager less than the minimum or more than the maximum amount posted. Some casinos, in special cases, may extend the maximum limit at a table on request by the player.
Bingo - bingo is a prize game played in halls. Basically, players buy cards with numbers on them in a 5 x 5 grid corresponding to the five letters in the word B-I-N-G-O. Numbers such as B-2 or 0-68 are then drawn at random (out of a possible 75 in american bingo, and 90 in british and australian bingo) until one player completes a 'bingo' line with five numbers in a vertical, horizontal or diagonal row on one of their cards and wins the prize. Bingo rules and payouts and play variations vary from place to place.
Black book - the list of undesirable people who are forbidden to enter any casino in nevada.
Blind bet - in poker, a bet posted without the player sees any of his/her cards.
Blinds - A forced bet in hold'em poker.
Brit brag - A 3-card poker game, with variations. Has many combinations and options open to the player.
Bonus - money that could be given to you for free for various reasons such as when signing up to an online casino.
Boule (la boule) - originally referred to as the "little game", boule is basically a simplified version of roulette, popular in french casinos. The game features a table and a wheel with only 9 numbers and 3 different colours on which you can bet. The wheel is spun and a small rubber ball bounces around the wheel before settling into one of the coloured holes to determine the outcome. The game is simple and fast.
Boxing - in horse racing, a single ticket comprised of more than one parlay.
Break-even point - the break-even point is the point at which if you played forever, the bets you made would approximately equal the payoffs you would receive.
Brick - A card that appears not to help a player's poker hand. A 'blank' in 7-card stud poker.
Britbrag - A poker game with a three-card hand played against the casino, also known as 3-card casino brag and 3-card poker.
Buck - A $100 wager.
Bug - A joker.
Bump - to raise.
Burn cards - remove cards from the top of the deck, not to be dealt, and place them in the discard tray after a shuffle and cut.
Buy in, buy-in - converting cash into chips. The amount of cash used to purchase casino chips before entering a table game: blackjack, poker, craps, roulette, etc.
call - in poker, to call is to match the current bet.
Camouflage - anything a skilled gambler does to conceal their activities from the casino. Camouflage can include mixing in playing and betting behavior that mimics typical gamblers, or using disguises, appearing to be drunk, or any number of other possible ploys intended to throw the casino's scrutiny off.
Capping - referred to capping of bets. Placing extra chips on top of initial bet after the deal has begun. It is a serious form of cheating by a player.
Card counting - used in blackjack game. Recording (in memory) played cards (usually high cards) so as to establish a conditional probability advantage on the remaining cards against the dealer.
Card sharp - A person who is an expert at cards.
Card washing - A card shuffling technique where the dealer spreads the cards on the table face down and then proceeds to mix them around with his hands flat in a face-washing-like action before gathering them up and performing a more normal shuffle. Card washing is intended to remove any consistencies in the sequencing among the cards that new decks of cards have, or that were produced in play prior to the present shuffle. In standard table poker the cards are washed after every hand before they are subjected to a more conventional shuffling. In blackjack and baccarat, the the cards are washed when old decks are taken out of play and fresh new decks brought in to replace them.
Caribbean stud poker - also called 'casino stud poker', A casino table game based on the standard 5-card stud poker game played on a blackjack-type table. Some casinos also offer a progressive jackpot paid to high ranking hands. This table game is played with one deck of cards.
Carousel - A group of slot machines that are positioned in a ring, enabling a change person (to change bank-notes into coins) to stand in the center.
Carpet joint - US slang for a luxury gambling casino.
Case money - emergency money.
Cashcheck - A feature used by some online casinos software that allows you to review your financial transaction history.
Cashier’s cage - the casino cash desk for cashing in the chips.
Casino - the word "casino" initially meant a public music and dance hall. By the second half of the 19th century casinos developed into a place with gambling halls. The best example of a casino as a gambling location is monte carlo in monaco. Casino monte carlo was opened in 1863 and since that time it has been an important source of revenue for the small state of monaco.
Casino advantage - the edge that the house (casino) has over the players.
Casino hold'em poker - A card game based on texas hold'em poker, the difference is that players bet against the house (the casino) rather than against other players.
Casino rate - A reduced hotel-room rate (price) that the casinos offer to good customers.
Catch - in keno, to catch a number means that a number you have marked on your keno ticket has been drawn.
Chase - having lost money on a bet, 'chasing' is having another bet simply to try and get back the loss.
Check - in casino gambling, a check is another term for a chip. In poker, a player can 'check' in order to stay in the game but not bet.
Chemin de fer - (french) A table game using 6 or 8 decks of cards, similar to baccarat but requires skill. See chemin de fer on this site.
Chip, chips - round plastic discs. Casinos require that you use chips for betting. They are purchased at the gaming tables and exchanged at the cashier's booth or cage.
Chip tray - the tray in front of a dealer that holds that table’s inventory of chips.
Chips - round tokens that are used on casino gaming tables in lieu of cash.
Coat-tail - bet the same numbers as someone who is winning at the moment.
Cold - A player on a losing streak, or a slot machine that is not paying out.
Color up - when a player exchanges smaller denomination chips for larger denomination chips.
Combination way ticket - in keno, a ticket in which groups of numbers are bet several different ways, allowing the player to spread money over more combinations.
Comps - complimentary gifts given by the casino to entice players to gamble. Typical comps include free hotel room, meals and beverages.
Copy - in pai-gow poker, when a player and the banker have the same two-card hand, or the same five-card hand. The banker wins all copies.
Cracking the nut - making enough money on a gambling venture to cover all expenses plus a reasonable net profit.
Craps - casino dice table-game.
Credit - in online casinos, wagers are expressed in credits. 1 credit equals to 1 unit.
Credit button - in slot machines or video machines, the button that allows players to bank coins in the form of credits.
Crossroader - an old term used to denote a cheat originated in the old west practice of cheating at saloons located at crossroads. The term is still used today for casino cheats.
Croupier - french word for dealer, used in the games of baccarat and roulette.
CSM - continuous shuffling machines, introduced by casinos as an anti card counters in blackjack.
Cut - in card games following a shuffle before the start of a new round of play, when the dealer or player divides a deck into two parts and inverts them, using a cut card (see below).
Cut card - A faceless card of different color, usually red or black, that is used to cut a deck of cards.
D'alembert system - A staking plan where one unit is added for a losing bet and one deducted for a winning bet.
Deal - to give out the cards during a card game.
Deposit - A payment you make usually to online casinos using a credit card, a web wallet or one of the online payment systems, in order to play casino games for real.
Deuce - A two in dice.
Dice - two identical numbered cubes. (see die below)
die - singular for dice, a cube with numbers on each side, 1 to 6.
Dime bet - A $1,000 wager.
Discard tray - A tray on the dealer’s right side that holds all the cards that have been played or discarded in card games like baccarat, blackjack and poker.
Dollar bet - A $100 wager.
Dolly - unlike the french roulette where the croupier simply points with the stick on the winning number on the table, in the american roulette the croupier uses a marker made of wood or plastic and places it on the table in the square of the winning number. The score marker is called 'dolly' because it has the outline that looks like a doll. Its functionality is primarily to help the players know the winning number until all winnings are paid.
Double or nothing - an even-money bet. A bet that pays off exactly the amount wagered.
Doubling down - A betting option in blackjack where the player's opening two-card hand is turned face up and player's original wager is doubled. The player is then dealt one additional card only, to complete the hand. In the event that the player beats the dealer's hand or the dealer busts, then the player wins twice the amount of their original wager. If the player loses, then the player loses twice the amount of their original wager.
Doubling-up - the basis of some widely used systems. After a loss the player doubles the size of his previous bet hoping to win back the money lost and make a profit. Also known as the martingale system.
Down card - A face down card.
Down to the felt - totally out of money, broke.
Draw - relates to the poker games. Basically it means to draw a card (e.G. If you need a card to make a straight, you are on a 'straight draw' or are 'drawing to a straight'. In 'draw poker' game, it means the second round of cards that are dealt. The word draw has slightly different meanings in different contexts, although generally it has something to do with receiving more cards, with the hope of improving your hand. Draw games are games where at some point during the hand you are allowed to discard some or all of your cards, to be replaced from the deck. Drawing two is thus exchanging two of your cards. 'the draw' is the point during the game at which players may do this. By default, when someone asks you if you want to play some draw, they usually mean five card draw. In other poker games, drawing simply means staying in the game with the hope of improving your hand when more cards come. When you stay in a hand with the hope of improving, you are said to be 'on a draw'.
Drop - money lost.
Drop box - on a gaming table, the box that serves as a repository for cash, markers, and chips.
ecogra - (e-commerce online gaming regulation and assurance) ecogra provides player assurance and online casino regulation by ensuring that ecogra approved online casinos deliver an honest and professional service. Ecogra's seal, displayed on the homepage of approved sites, shows that the casino and poker room operator is committed to player protection, fair gaming and responsible conduct.
Edge - an advantage over an opponent.
Encryption - A software security measure taken by online casinos to ensure that online transactions are safe from hackers.
En prison - (french word) the stake left on the table in roulette for another spin after backing an 'even-money' bet and the outcome was zero or double zero. It is like a bonus, offered in some casinos.
Even money bet - A bet with odds of 1:1. A bet that pays you back the same amount that you wagered, plus your original wager.
Expected win rate - in slot machines, the percentage on the total amount of money wagered that you can expect to win back over time.
Eye in the sky - slang for video surveillance cameras used by casinos, usually placed on the ceiling above the gaming area.
Face cards - the jack, queen, and king of any suit of cards.
ficheur - in the american roulette each player gets chips with different colours so that they do not mix. The croupiers have at their disposal a sophisticated mechanism, also known as ficheur, which is able to mechanically separate coloured chips making them always readily available to use.
Fifth street - in seven-card stud, the third round of betting is called fifth street because players have five cards. In texas hold‘em poker, fifth street is the fifth card on board and the final round of betting.
Fill - in poker, to draw a card that makes a five-card hand (straight, flush, full house, straight flush).
Fill up - in poker, to fill a full house.
Finales - A type of group bets on numbers ending with the same digit. Examples: final 7 means bet on the numbers 7, 17 and 27 (three chips). Final 2 means bet on the numbers 2, 12, 22 and 32 (four chips).
Finale schnaps - in french roulette, an order given to the croupier to place a bet on numbers 11, 22 and 33.
Firing - betting a lot. A player who is firing is wagering large sums.
First base - at the blackjack table, the position on the far left of the dealer is considered to be first base and is the first position dealt with.
Fish - A player who loses money. (it is said that "if you can't spot the fish at the table, YOU are the fish.) see also "shark".
Flash - A type of no-download casino software where you can play instantly.
Flat betting - A way of betting where the same amount is bet on each wager. For example, if a player always bets $10 on each hand or spin and never raised or lowered their bet, they would be said to be flat betting.
Flat top - A slot machine whose jackpot is always a fixed amount, as opposed to a progressive.
Flea - an annoying person who wants something for nothing. One who expects to be comped for a small wager.
Flop - in poker games, such as hold'em and omaha, where five community cards are dealt. The first three of these cards are dealt all at once, face up, and are called the flop. Games with a flop can be called flop games.
Foul - in pai-gow poker, a hand is fouled when the two-card low hand is set higher than the five-card high hand, or when the hands are set with the wrong number of cards. A fouled hand is a losing hand.
Fourth street - in seven-card stud poker, the second round of betting is called fourth street because players have four cards. In texas hold‘em poker, fourth street is the fourth card on board and the third round of betting.
Front money - cash or bank checks/cheques deposited with the casino to establish credit for a player who bets against that money.
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Use the " main menu " on the right margin to explore this site. This is a comprehensive online gambling information site with advice on winning, how to gamble, betting strategies, world casinos directory, the best online casinos, and lots of gamblers information and resources.
Topics covered include game rules, how to play, how to win, winning strategy, betting systems, gambling tips, glossary (terminology), on: blackjack (black jack), roulette, poker classic and variants including texas hold'em poker, craps (dice casino game), slots and videopoker (video poker), baccarat, keno, lotto/lottery, powerball, bingo, sports betting, horse racing, greyhound racing, and new games.
Casino game that starts with a k
racinos - racetrack casinos.
Rack - A plastic container in which you can transport and count large-denominational coins, slot machine tokens, and casino plastic chips.
Rake - the money that the casino charges for each hand of poker. It is usually a percentage (5-10%) or flat fee that is taken from the pot after each round of betting.
Rank - in poker, the worth of a set of cards.
Rapid roulette - american style roulette table layout without the outside bets: red/black, low/high, odd/even, dozens and columns. You can only bet on numbers and neighbours. The purpose for this variation is to speed up the game.
Rated - determination by the casino that a player's skill level is above average or on a professional level. A player's rating may be stored on computer and referred to the pit.
RFB - comped with free room, food, and beverages.
Riffling (card riffling) - A commonly used shuffling process. To accomplish a riffle, the deck is divided roughly in half and the two halves are interleaved by pulling the card corners up with the thumbs and letting the two halves 'riffle' together. Riffling is also sometimes called 'zipping' the cards. Like card stripping (see below), the riffling process can span a range from a fine riffle to a coarse riffle.
River - in poker, the final card dealt in a hand of stud or hold‘em. In seven-card stud, staying in until the fifth and final round of betting is called going to the river.
RNG - (random number generator) A computer generated randomness that randomly assigns the outcome of a result such as a roulette spin, a keno game or a cards shuffle.
Rouletto - in ireland roulette is called rouletto.
Roulight / roulite - the most modern variety of roulette. A table game that has been developed in the first instance by specialists at the wiesbaden casino, wiesbaden, germany. The game is dynamic and very fast. Players, who like to play sectors and neighbours love it. Bets can only be placed on full numbers (staight up), on two connected numbers (split), neighbours and sections of the wheel. No outside bets.
Round of play - A round or hand of play can consist of a single wager or several wagers made during the time of a short wagering event. For example, in poker the round of play (wagering event) begins with the dealing of the cards and ends when the winning player takes the pot. In casino craps a round of play begins with the 'come out' roll and ends when the passline wagers are decided. This may take one or several rolls of the dice. In between, the player might have multiple wagers riding on several different numbers and other betting options. All wagers made between the time of the come out roll and the decision roll are considered to be part of that round of play. In roulette each spin is counted as a round of play, no matter how many bets you place.
Royal flush (also, royal straight flush or royal) - an ace-high straight flush (ace, king, queen, jack and ten, all of the same suit); the best possible poker hand.
RVP - recreational vehicle parking.
sawdust joint (US) - A term for a non-luxury gambling club.
Sawbuck - ten dollars.
Scared money - money that you cannot afford to lose.
Schnaps - see "finale schnaps"
session - A period of play or a table sitting at any gambling game.
Set - in pai-gow poker, players set their seven cards into two separate hands of two and five cards each.
Seventh street - in seven-card stud, the fifth and final round of betting is called seventh street because players have seven cards.
Shark - A good/crafty player often posing as a fish early in the game. See also "fish".
Sharker, sharper, or cardsharp - A cheater.
Sharp - astute bettor.
Shill - A person who actively plays in the game for the house, club, or casino. Usually seen at a baccarat table to fill empty seats, until more real players join in.
Shiner - A tiny mirror or any reflecting device used by a cheater to see unexposed cards. A reflecting device used to try and glimpse the dealer's hole card.
Shoe - device, usually a wooden box, used for holding and dispensing playing cards to be dealt. Shoe games are typically composed of six or eight decks of cards.
Short run - A short series of wagers or game events.
Showdown - in poker, after the last betting round, the players who remain in the pot must show their hands in the showdown to determine the winner.
Shuffle tracking - A high level blackjack playing strategy used by card counters.
Shuffle up - premature shuffling of playing cards by the dealer.
Shuffling (card shuffling) - is a generic term which encompasses all card mixing techniques used to prepare a deck or a shoe for continued play. All casino shuffling processes employ a combination of mixing techniques. These may include 'stripping' or 'washing' the cards as well as 'riffling', 'boxing', 'plugging', 'cutting' and other off-spring techniques. All shuffling processes employ multiple riffles of 'clumps', 'picks', or 'grabs' to achieve some level of randomization. The shoe games, which use multiple decks of cards (4, 6, or 8 decks), will often employ the most intricate riffling patterns of all. In these, the picks are riffled together and then re-picked and re-riffled in complex symmetric patterns.
Shutter - A window covering a number on a reusable bingo card. The shutter can be pulled down to mark each number as it is called.
Silver mining - also called slot walking. The practice of looking for coins left in unattended slot machines.
Single - A straight bet on one selection, also known as a straight-up bet.
Singleton - in poker, a card that is the only one of its rank.
Sixth street - in seven-card stud, the fourth round of betting is called sixth street because players have six cards.
Skin - A dollar.
Skin game - in poker, a game having two or more collusion cheaters.
Skinning the hand - in poker, a cheater's technique to get rid of extra cards.
Skoon - A dollar.
Slot club member - slot clubs were invented for slot fanatics. By becoming a member you are given a card (like a credit card). Using your card while playing the slots (also table games in some casinos) helps you earn free points / cash. The rules, number of points needed to achieve regular club status, and the benefits given to the player are different at every casino.
Slot hall - see "videomat casino" below
slot walking - also called silver mining. The practice of looking for coins left in unattended slot machines.
Smart cashiers - automated cashier machines that allow players to cash out their winnings/credits from their smart cards.
Snake eyes - when you roll a two in craps, it is called 'snake eyes', eyes because they look like eyes, snake because they are bad news (for the shooter).
Soft count - (to do with gaming machines). The count of the contents in a drop box, bill validator or video game receipt collection.
Soft count room - A room where the soft count is carried out.
Soft hand - in blackjack, any hand that contains an ace counted as eleven is called a soft hand.
Spinner - A winning streak.
Spooking - used in blackjack game. The act of standing behind the dealer to peak at the hole card and then secretly convey the information to a partner player sitting at the table. An illegal form of cheating.
Spot - any number from 1 to 80 that a player selects on a keno ticket. It also refers to the number of numbers that are marked on a ticket.
Stack - A stack of chips, usually 20 chips in a column commonly used in roulette.
Standing hand - in blackjack, meaning a hand which hard-totals to 17 or more, which is very likely to bust if one more card is called and therefore the player is expected to stand.
Steaming - A blackjack term where a player has become frustrated with how badly the events of a session of play have turned out. 'steaming' in blackjack has practically the same meaning as 'going on tilt' in poker. In either case the player has lost emotional control and is betting more aggressively and often recklessly in an attempt to turn things around.
Stiff (A stiff hand) - in blackjack, a hand that is not pat and that may bust if hit once. Stiffs include hard twelve through sixteen.
Straight keno - the basic keno game, played by marking individual numbers on a keno ticket.
Streak betting - also known as 'progressive betting'. A system of raising or lowering the size of one's wager based on what happened on the previous round or rounds. There are basically two kinds of streak betting systems; negative and positive. In a positive streak betting or positive progression betting system the size of the player's wager is raised on the next round after a winning round. In a negative streak betting or negative progression betting system you do exactly the opposite by increasing the wager size on each subsequent loss. There is an almost endless number of variations of both negative and positive streak betting progressions, each one distinguished by when the progression is invoked, how much the wagers are raised or lowered, and when the progression is terminated.
Stripping (card stripping) - is a shuffling technique which reverses the sequential order of the cards in the deck. For instance, imagine if a dealer took the first card off the top of a deck and placed it on the table and then took the second card off the top and placed it on top of the first card. If this process were continued until the 52nd card was placed on top, then the sequential ordering among the cards would have been completely reversed. This characterizes the basic process of striping. The process described above would be a very fine strip. Often the dealers will speed up the process by rapidly pulling small clumps of cards off the top of the deck rather than a single card at a time. The number of cards in the clumps determine how fine or coarse the striping process is.
Stud poker - one of the two basic forms of poker game (the other is draw poker) and played with open or exposed cards (up cards) and with one or more concealed cards known as hole cards (down cards).
Suit - any one of the four types of cards: clubs, diamonds, hearts or spades.
Sulky - (the sulky) the modern harness racing vehicle (a driving rig) developed from a single-seat. Earlier racing had used carts. In its final form the sulky is little more than a U-shaped shaft mounted on two wheels with a seat at the end of the U.
Super stud poker - A five-card poker game known as caribbean stud poker and casino stud poker, but with a progressive jackpot. The "super" (used in UK casinos) is to say that the game runs a progressive jackpot. Tables of the same game are interconnected with other participating casinos, and any player that makes a royal flush wins the jackpot. There are smaller prizes for the top hands such as "four of a kind" and "full house".
Surrender - in blackjack, to give up half your bet for the privilege of not playing out a hand. In roulette, you effectively lose only half on an even-money bet when the ball lands on 0.
System - A method of betting, usually mathematically based, used by a punter or bettor to try to get an advantage. A prominent factor in most systems, is the criteria used to determine when the player's wagers should be raised or lowered. See systems on this site.
TAB - totalisator agency board. The body appointed to regulate off-course betting (bets made by people who are not present at the race track).
Table hold - the amount of money won by the casino table game from the players during an eight-hour work shift.
Table stakes - in poker, stakes in which the betting and raising is limited to the amount of money a player has on the table in front of him.
Taking the odds - there are two fundamental forms of wagering, 'taking the odds' and 'laying the odds'. In most casino games the player is 'taking the odds' by wagering an amount that is less than they will receive if they win, that is; if you wager $1 you would win more than $1. In most forms of sports betting, some odds are so high in favour of the likely winner that winning wagers get paid an amount less than the amount wagered by some percentage, and this is what is meant by 'laying the odds'.
Tapping out - losing one's entire gambling bankroll and thus having to stop playing.
Tell play - observing the dealer's body language and expressions to determine his hole card. In poker game 'tells' pertain to quirks or readable aspects of a players actions, verbal behavior, or body language that give away information about what cards they are holding.
Third base - in blackjack, the spot nearest the dealer’s right hand, which will be played last before the dealer’s hand is played.
Third street - in seven-card stud, the first round of betting is called third street because the players have three cards.
Three-card monte - A three-card game similar to bragg.
Three of a kind - in poker, three cards of the same rank.
Ticket - A card.
Time cut (also, axe or collection) - money charged each player on a time basis by the casino or by the poker room owner. Charge is usually on a 3 minute or an hourly basis.
Toke - toke is short for 'token'. A tip given to the dealer in the form of money or chips. Unlike tokens, tokes are more specifically the tips that the game dealers receive from the players. A player who is known to toke the dealer heavily is sometimes referred to as a 'george' or a 'real george'.
Token - the casino own coins used to play slot machines instead of real coins.
Touch wand - A pointing device used on some video keno machines to select numbers.
Tournament - basically, a competition game between a group of players over a period of time. For example, in poker tournaments a bunch of poker players sit down with the same number of chips, and eventually only one player has any chips left. In order to ensure that the event will finish in reasonable time, tournaments institute a schedule by which the blinds and/or antes increase. Tournaments are usually played with chips that have no value outside of the tournament. So a buy-in of $30 might get you $500 in tournament chips to play with, but you can't cash them out in the middle. The winner of a tournament (the last player to bust out) as well as several of the other top finishers are typically awarded prize money according to some predetermined schedule. Tournament details vary widely, but a typical arrangement might include an initial buy-in, a re-buy period during which a player who runs out of tournament chips may buy more, and an opportunity to add on to one's stack after the re-buys have ended. Other details about the structure can vary widely.
Trente et quarante (thirty and forty) - also called rouge et noir or red and black, is a game of french origin found in french and other european casinos played with cards and a special table. The game has many similarities to baccarat. The name trente et quarante is derived from the fact that the winning point lies between thirty and forty. There are five possible outcomes: rouge or noir, known as the "grand tableau", and couleur or inverse, known as the "petit tableau", and a refait (a tie). The house derives its edge (1.1%) in the event of a tie, when the house takes one half of all the stakes. There is also an insurance bet option against the 'tie' outcome.
Trips - three cards of the same rank.
Tronc - A designated box for collecting the tips for the dealers given by players when they win.
True odds - the real odds of something happening. Actual odds taking into account the casino edge. The ratio of the number of times one event will occur to the number of times that it will not. The odds posted in a casino are usually not the true odds.
underlay - A bad or unfavorable bet. An event that has more money bet on its happening than can be justified by the probability of it happening.
Unit (betting units) - technical term used to express the smallest amount of money used in wagering without specifying the actual dollar or other currency amount. The player's actual 'chip' bet may be $1, $5, $25, $100 or other value. However, for purposes of simplifying gambling related calculations, the wager is specified as simply one betting unit or one chip.
Up card (upcard) - the face up card of the dealer's initial hand in blackjack. Standard casino rules require the dealers to deal their own opening hands with one card face-up and one card face-down. The card that is dealt face-up is the dealers 'up card'. The card the is dealt face-down is said to be the dealers 'hole card'.
videomat casino - is a casino that offers automatic games only, that do not require a dealer or a croupier, such as slot machines and electronic touch-bet roulette. They are normally open 24 hours or from 10am daily, and there is usually an in-house bar or snack bar.
Vig., vigorish - the casino edge, fee or commission taken by the house.
Viking poker - A poker name commonly used in some european casinos, is the equivalent of caribbean stud poker.
VIP - A very important person. Usually a big bettor or a high roller.
VLT - video lottery terminal
wager - any bet.
Washing - to show that they are not taking any chips with them, croupiers always rub their hands over, known as 'washing', before leaving the table. See also 'card washing'
web wallet - A secure and convenient software tool for managing your online transactions, such as depositing money with online casinos or making a withdrawal from your balance.
Whale - A player who makes extremely large wagers. Unlike high rollers who consistently wager $100 or more per round, whales are typically those who make wagers amounting to thousands if not tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars per round.
White meat - profit.
Wild card - A joker or other card that can be used as any other card to complete your hand in card games.
Wild royal flush - A royal flush that makes use of a wild card.
Wired cards (also, back-to-back) - in poker, a pair, trips, or four of a kind dealt consecutively or back-to-back in a hand, usually in a stud hand starting with the first card.
Withdrawal - A request you make to receive money from your account.
Wong, wonging, wonger - (named after stanford wong) in blackjack, to count the cards dealt at a particular table and to then join play only when the count indicates the game has swung to the player's advantage. The term has been expanded to include playing in favorable situations in a number of other games.
Great gambling information site
Use the " main menu " on the right margin to explore this site. This is a comprehensive online gambling information site with advice on winning, how to gamble, betting strategies, world casinos directory, the best online casinos, and lots of gamblers information and resources.
Topics covered include game rules, how to play, how to win, winning strategy, betting systems, gambling tips, glossary (terminology), on: blackjack (black jack), roulette, poker classic and variants including texas hold'em poker, craps (dice casino game), slots and videopoker (video poker), baccarat, keno, lotto/lottery, powerball, bingo, sports betting, horse racing, greyhound racing, and new games.
Top 10 casino games

Everyone loves to have a gamble from time to time (myself included). Unfortunately we don’t always win, but the real fun is in the playing, not the winning. Here is a list of the top 10 casino games.

Bingo is a game in which players try to match randomly selected numbers to the numbers on their card. The card consists of a 5×5 matrix where each column is represented by the letters B-I-N-G-O. The middle square is typically a free square. The first person to form a specific pattern (usually a straight line) calls out “bingo!”. The card gets checked for accuracy and the winner is announced. Then a new round begins.
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In baccarat each player has three options: player, tie, and banker. When all players have placed their bets, the dealer deals out two 2-card hands, one is the banker hand while the other is the player hand. The hands are added up. If a hand totals over ten, the ten is dropped (I.E. 9+5=14=4). A hand equaled to 10 becomes a 0 or baccarat. The winning hand would be the higher of the 2 and anyone who placed a corresponding bet wins.
8. Wheel of fortune (the big six)

This game is played by placing your bet on one of 6 symbols on the game table. Then the wheel is spun. The wheel is divided into 52 equal sections that are separated by pins around the edge. When the wheel comes to a stop, the pointer will be between two pins. All bets placed on the symbol the wheel stops on, win.

Keno is a lottery game. The player get a card numbered 1 to 80. The player then picks up to 20 numbers and a wager. The card is then registered and the game begins. The caller announces 20 randomly drawn numbers. The player tries to match as many called numbers to their selected numbers. The more numbers matched the higher the winnings paid against their wager.

Pai gow poker is played against the house instead of the other players. The dealer deals out 7 cards to each player and himself in rotation. Everyone then looks at their cards and tries to make the best 5-card and 2-card poker hands. The 5-card hand must rank higher than the 2-card hand. The hands are then compared against the dealers. If both hands beat the dealer, the player wins. If both lose, the player loses. If both the dealer and the player win on a hand, it is a push.
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In roulette, the player places his chips on the table where they would like to wager. The table consists of number 0-36 and 00 and then has additional betting for even-odd, red-black, low 18-high 18, low/middle/high 12, and for the first/second/third columns. A player may also place their bet between 2, 3, 4, or 5 numbers and may cross bet between the additional betting area. The dealer will signal no more bets. The dealer will spin the wheel in a clockwise direction then roll a ball in a counter-clockwise direction. The ball lands in a numbered slot on the wheel. All bets that correspond with the number win.

Slots are machines that play a number of different games. They are very popular. In general the player will insert coins into the machine and either pull a handle or press a button. This causes the wheels to spin. In older styled slot machines there were 3 wheels. In the newer machines they tend to have 3 to 5 simulated wheels. When the wheels stop, the player is paid based on the pattern of symbols.

Blackjack is a card game played between the house and the player. The dealer deals out two cards to each player and their self. The dealer has one card face up and one down. The players then take turns trying to get as close to 21 without going over. Aces are equal to 1 or 11. Face cards are 10 and number cards are face value. The player calls hit to get a card, and stand to end their turn. A player may also call double to double their bet and may only receive one card and the turn ends. If a player has two identically numbered cards, they may split. This requires them to double their bet and then get two more cards making two new hands that they may play. After all players turns are over, the dealer reveals their card. The dealer then hits if the total is 16 or less and stands on 17 and higher. Everyone who has a hand that beats the dealer without going over 21 wins.

Craps is a high energy dice game based on 7. The player places bets around the table. There are many places to bet. The pass line is the main focus of the game. 7 and 11 win on this line while 2, 3 and 12 lose. All other numbers rolled make an established point. If that number is rolled again before a 7 is rolled, the bet wins. The don’t pass line is just the opposite, 2 and 3 win where 7 and 11 loses. The field line wins on 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, and 12. 2 and 12 pay double. The come line is playable after a point is established. It plays the same as the pass line. The don’t come plays like don’t pass after the point is established. Then you also can make bets on the horn. These bets are on getting 2, 3, 11, or 12 on the next roll. Other bets include big 6/8, C&E, any seven, and craps.

Poker is a card game base on a 5 card hand. The ranking of hands from lowest to highest are high card, pair, two pair, three of a kind, straight, flush, full house, four of a kind, straight flush, and royal flush. The player with the best hand wins. There are many versions of poker such as 5-card draw, 5-card stud, texas hold’em, omaha hold’em, razz, pineapple, and 7-card stud.
Play dice twister arcade game at casino.Com UK
The game of dice has been around for millennia. The ancient egyptians played it three thousand years before christ was born, and the romans were playing it when they conquered the known world. Their small size and the simplicity of the game has given dice an enduring appeal.
Dice twister is another evolutionary stage for the game of dice. In this entertaining arcade game, there are three dice and players get to pick on all the possible outcomes. It’s an enticing blend of both craps and roulette.
The game starts with a board offering all the various betting options, based on three dice. The odds are all relative. For example: you can bet on all three dice adding up to a total of between 9 and 12. A successful bet would win you 2x your stake. Raise the stakes and bet on the total being exactly 11 and you stand to win 7.75x your stake. Go crazy and bet on a total of 17 (6 + 6 + 5) and you could win 70x your stake. The maximum £1 bet would result in a £70 jackpot.
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10 simple casino gambling strategies that work like magic
Though most of the gambling strategies listed below are simple, they quickly reduce the house edge.
If you play the best strategy you can, you'll be able to win more playing sessions and play longer on the same bankroll.
1 – take the odds
When you play craps you start each sequence of rolls with a come out roll. You can bet on the pass or don't pass line during a come out roll. Eventually (usually after one roll, but not always) a point is set.
Once a point is set you can place a special wager called an odds bet. The odds bet doesn't have a marked place on the table because the casinos don't really want you to place them. You slide your bet out behind the pass line or don't pass line bet you placed and say you want the odds. If you have any questions ask one of the casino personnel running the game.
Odds bets are offered at true odds of zero. The house edge is zero, so you should place odds bets whenever you have the opportunity.
2 – blackjack basic strategy
Playing perfect basic strategy while playing blackjack can help you reduce the house edge by 3% or more. The house rules have a great deal to do with the overall house edge but no matter what the rules, if you play using the best strategy you'll save money in the long run.
This gives you the best chance to have a winning session every time you play and it helps you lose less when you have losing sessions.
Blackjack strategy cards and charts are available online and in most casino stores.
3 – video poker strategy cards
Of course you want to play only on the video poker machines that offer the best pay charts in the casino, but you should always use a strategy card for the game you're playing. Using a strategy card can save you 2% or more on every hand you play.
As you can often play hundreds of hands per hour, saving this much can help you play up to four times longer on the same bankroll over time.
You can pick up strategy cards in the casino gift shop or print one from the internet. If I plan to play video poker I slip the popular strategy cards in my pocket before heading to the casino so I'm prepared for whatever game is available with a good pay chart.
4 – always bet the banker
When you play baccarat you should always bet on the banker. It offers the lowest house edge and is the only strategy decision you can make at the table to help you.
The banker bet has a house edge of just a hair over 1%, making it one of the lower house edges in the casino.
5 – slow down at the slot machines
Slot machines have some of the highest house edges you can find in a casino. On top of that you can usually play 300 or more spins per hour.
When you combine a large house edge and so many decisions per hour you create one of the worst things you can do in a casino.
While there aren't any true strategies that can help you beat slot machines in the long run, the best thing you can do (beyond simply not playing) is slow down your play. If you only play 100 spins per hour instead of 300 your bankroll will last three times as long on average.
6 – play fewer texas hold 'em hands
If you want to start winning more when playing texas hold 'em, you need to start playing fewer hands.
The basic idea is if you enter hands with better starting hands than your opponents on average you'll win more hands. Of course in the short run anything can happen, but the better starting hand wins more often than the other hand in the long run.
If you've been losing on a consistent basis and are willing to try something drastic to change your outcome try this experiment for the next 10 hours you play.
Only enter the pot with the following hands.
- A/A
- K/K
- Q/Q
- J/J
- 10/10
- 9/9
- A/K suited or not
- A/Q suited or not
- A/J suited or not
- A/10 suited or not
- K/Q suited
- K/J suited
I realize you won't be playing many hands, but you stand a much better chance of winning than when you play 30 or 40% (or more) of your starting hands.
Once you prove you can do it for 10 hours of play you can start playing a few more hands, but don't go wild. Losing players play too many hands, not too few. Eventually you should shoot for playing an average of somewhere around 20% of your hands.
Once you start playing fewer hands you can start working on other things to improve your game like position and post flop play.
7 – only play on single zero wheels
Roulette is a game that doesn't have much strategy that can change the long term outcome. It doesn't matter what you bet on the house edge is the same.
What you can do is only play on roulette wheels with only a single zero space. Wheels with a double zero and a single zero space have a house edge of over 5.2%. The house edge on single zero wheels is only 2.7%.
Though it doesn't work out perfectly in the short run, in the long run you can play almost twice as long on the same bankroll at a single zero wheel than you can playing a double zero wheel. This is enough reason for this simple strategy to be included on any list.
8 – just place one bet
This one may be a bit out there for some, especially if you gamble because you enjoy the action.
I have a friend who uses a unique system or strategy every time he takes a trip to las vegas. He divides his bankroll by the number of days on the trip and bets the entire stake for each day on a close to 50 / 50 wager at the beginning of the day.
If he wins the bet he puts the original wager in his pocket for profit and plays the rest of the day with his win. When he loses he does something else all day.
He starts with a $2,000 bankroll for a five day trip. This gives him a daily bankroll of $400. Every day when he gets up he finds a single zero roulette wheel and places a $400 bet on red or black or even or odd. When he wins he puts his $400 in his pocket and gambles with the $400 he won.
On an average trip he'll win two or three of the five first bets so he'll come home with $800 to $1,200 almost every trip. Of course over the long run he may have a few times where he doesn't get to gamble at all besides the first bets of the day.
After this happened the first time he considered changing his plan so he'd be guaranteed a chance to gamble more, but he decided to stick with his original plan.
A few things he considered doing differently:
You can divide your trip bankroll by an extra day creating an extra amount you can use if you lose your original wager two days in a row.
In the example above you'd divide $2,000 by six for a daily bankroll of $333. If you lose your first bet both of the first two days you can play with your extra $333 that day.
The other thing you can do is recycle your winnings from earlier days when you lose the first bet.
If you win your first bet on day one you can use the money you put in your pocket to play on a day when you lose the first wager.
You'll also win some days with the money you gamble with throughout the day. You can use that money to play later on your trip too.
9 – play tournaments
Tournaments are a great way to play for a big prize while investing a set amount of money.
You pay an entry fee and if you do well enough you win a prize. Payout structures vary, but the largest tournaments can have payout in the hundreds of thousands or millions.
You can find all kinds of tournaments. Most people think about poker tournaments, but many casinos offer slots tournaments, blackjack tournaments, and video poker tournaments.
This is one of the best strategies for extending your bankroll.
Some players plan their entire gambling trip around tournaments.
When you play tournaments you don't have to win very often to make money in the long run. Even if you're just able to place high enough to win something occasionally you'll usually do better than letting a regular table game or machine grind your money down.
10 – bluff less
This one goes for any type of poker including texas hold 'em, 7 card stud, and omaha. You should bluff less than you do now.
It always looks like the players on television are bluffing all the time but the truth is most pros only bluff occasionally.
Try bluffing half the time you currently do in the future. You'll find your bluffs work more often and you make more money the times when you aren't bluffing.
Use the simple strategies listed above to win more often and play longer. Everything is simple enough that any casino gambler can do it, so why not give one or more strategies a try?
Pros and cons of table game bonuses


Online casinos offer plenty of bonuses to new players. Their goal is to use these deals to attract new gamblers and retain their play.
Much of the emphasis is put on slots bonuses. However, table game offers are available, too.
That said, I’m going to discuss more on what table game bonuses are, along with what you need to do to earn them. I’ll finish by discussing the advantages and drawbacks of these deals.
What are table game bonuses?
As you may know, casino table games include anything that’s played on a table. The most popular games in this category are the following:
Therefore, a table game bonus revolves around playing associated games. For example, you might see a 100% match bonus that can only be unlocked by playing specific table games.
But what if you don’t enjoy spinning the reels? Table game bonuses still give you a chance to earn bonus money based on a different type of gaming.
Wagering requirements behind these deals
Like many online casino bonuses, table game offers feature a variety of terms and conditions (T&cs). You need to meet each of these terms before cashing out money from a bonus.
Of these terms and conditions, wagering requirements (a.K.A. Playthrough) are arguably the most important. Playthrough dictates how much you need to bet before withdrawing money.
Here’s an example:
- You’re eligible for a $100 table game bonus
- Playthrough is 200x the bonus
- 200 x 100 = $20,000 must be wagered
The obvious goal here is to find the lowest wagering requirements possible. You can develop a feel for what constitutes low playthrough by looking around the industry.
Do note, though, that wagering requirements on table game deals are always much higher than what’s seen with slots bonuses. The reason being is that an average online table game has a lower house edge than the standard internet slot.

That said, you may want to do some comparisons between slots and table game bonuses to see which is ultimately the better deal. Here are some examples.
Slots bonus
- You’re going for a $50 bonus
- Playthrough is 45x the bonus
- 50 x 45 = $2,250 must be wagered
- You play a slot with a 4% house edge
- 2,250 x 0.04 = $90 in theoretical losses
Table game bonus
- You’re going for a $50 bonus
- Playthrough is 200x the bonus
- 200 x 50 = $10,000 must be wagered
- You play a blackjack game with a 0.5% house edge
- 10,000 x 0.005 = $50 in theoretical losses
Of course, playthrough isn’t the only term behind table game bonuses. Below, you can see a few other terms and conditions that are often included:
- Game restrictions – specific games that either feature higher wagering requirements or are completely disqualified.
- Claim timeframe – you have to claim a bonus within the specified time period.
- Playthrough timeframe – you also need to meet playthrough within a given number of weeks/months.
- Deposit restrictions – neteller and skrill deposits aren’t usually eligible for online casino bonuses.
Advantages of table game bonuses
If you’re interested in online table game offers, then you’ll be happy to know they offer multiple advantages. Here are the biggest benefits to pursuing such bonuses.
Earn money on the side of your favorite table games
Do you love playing online baccarat, blackjack, and/or roulette? If so, then you’ll appreciate being able to earn extra money on the side of your play.
All you need to do is play games designated by the terms to start unlocking your bonus. Once you meet wagering requirements, then you can withdraw the bonus funds.

Even if you don’t satisfy playthrough, you’ll have fun making an effort to do so while enjoying exciting casino games.
Common games like baccarat and blackjack aren’t the only options for meeting wagering requirements. Caribbean stud, pai gow poker, and three-card poker are often included in the equation, too.
Play low risk games
One of the biggest draws to table games is that they don’t have as high of a house edge as slots, keno, and scratch cards. In fact, certain table games give you some of the best chances to beat the casino.
Here are the top online casino games in terms of house advantage:
- Online blackjack = 0.3% to 1.5% house edge
- Baccarat = 1.06%
- Craps = 0.46% (don’t pass line backed w/ 2x odds)
- French roulette = 1.35%
- European roulette = 2.70%
You can see there are several good options when beating the house is top priority. The fact that you can earn bonuses on the side only sweetens the deal.
Sometimes you get a better offer
Earlier, I made a comparison between wagering requirements on table game and slots bonuses.
Sometimes, you’ll find table game bonuses that are a better deal than the slots offers. These deals will have playthrough that make them the superior choice.
Drawbacks to table game bonuses
These bonus deals definitely have some things going for them. But they also have a few downsides too, which you certainly want to know about beforehand.
Wagering requirements are quite high
Table game bonuses can feature anywhere from 100x to 400x playthrough. The latter range is what you really need to worry about when going for these deals.
Table game offers that carry between 200x and 400x wagering requirements often lead to high theoretical losses, even when you’re playing a favorable blackjack game.
This high playthrough does two things:
- Forces you to play for a long time to earn a bonus.
- Increases the chances you’ll lose money by the time the bonus is unlocked.
These deals are often worse
I’ve shown a couple of scenarios where table game bonuses are either equal to or better than slots deals regarding terms and conditions. However, the latter are often superior when everything is taken into account.
First off, slots bonuses normally feature lower theoretical losses. The extremely high wagering requirements on table game bonuses, meanwhile, cancels out low house edges with baccarat, blackjack, french roulette, etc.

You should still go for table game deals if you enjoy these games. Be forewarned, though, that you’ll be at a handicap in comparison to those pursuing slots bonuses.
Several excluded games
The term “table games” implies you’ll be able to play any game within this category to satisfy playthrough. The reality, though, is that these deals usually restrict several different games.
Baccarat, craps, french roulette, european roulette, and certain blackjack variations can all be restricted. One or more of these games may still be eligible for playthrough purposes, but the point is that multiple games won’t.
Online casinos restrict certain games due to a combination of a low house edge and ease of play.
Assuming these games aren’t completely restricted from satisfying wagering requirements, they may have higher playthrough.
Here’s an example of high playthrough:
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If online slot games aren’t your favourite online casino game type, pink casino offers some fantastic famous casino variants - including live casino games that will take you right to the heart of the action with the ever-popular live blackjack, or you could spin the classic wheel of live roulette. For live casino games with a twist we have the amazing monopoly live, deal or no deal live and lightning roulette which brings live casino into the future. If you want to take the casino experience with you on the go then you’re in luck! No matter your device of choice, pink casino offers lots of online casino games that are fully compatible across mobile, tablet, and desktops. Join our inclusive and unique community of like-minded online casino players.
Play online casino games & slots
Online slot games are arguably one of the most popular choices for enjoying the online casino experience and at pink casino, we offer over 400 slot games. With our online casino collection updated almost weekly, you’re sure to uncover fresh new slot games each time you visit. Or, if you’re a keen fan of the classic online slots, you’ll find all of the biggest names here at pink casino. Such as the starburst slot, that first gained popularity in physical casinos by soaring slot game players through space in the hopes of landing high paying gems. Or, gonzos quest, where intrepid explorers unite in the hopes of landing some jungle-worthy jackpots. There’s plenty of classics amongst our casino games collection, even pixies of the forest! Keep checking our online slot game collection, as pink casino work to provide our community with the latest games, to enhance your online experience! Take a spin of one of our online slots to see what all the fuss is about. Not sure where to begin? Pink casino recommends one of our cult classics, cleopatra slot, where the captivating queen of the nile resides upon egyptian ruins, ready to guide pink players to landing three sphinx scatters that offer up to 180 free spins! Already played cleopatra? Spin the slot reels on the new monopoly megaways or deal or no deal megaways.
Play new online casino slots
Our impressive catalogue of online slots is bound to offer our pink players the best gaming experience across mobile, tablet, and desktop devices! Keep your eyes peeled for fresh new titles that we release almost weekly, with game themes ranging from jolly irish leprechauns such as rainbow riches pick 'N' mix to ancient egyptian discoveries in eye of horus slot and lots of unique casino games in between. One of our favourites has to be golden goddess, an ethereal slot game set in the fantasy genre boasting some distinctive symbols that bring you into the heart of the godly story. Explore the realm of the goddess for the chance to win some fantastic free spins!
In 2020 we’re not slowing down with our top slot releases. We want to offer our players as big a range of online slots games as we possibly can while also delivering the highest quality casino games from the biggest and best developers. IGT, blueprint gaming, red tiger - all the online slots from the best studios are on offer here at pink casino. The ancient but ever-regal pharaoh made an appearance in our recent releases with the cleopatra diamond spins online slot game to offer players 3 potential progressive jackpot prizes, free spins, and huge payout potential! We stepped into the flames in [dragon's fire megaways(/games/dragons-fire-megaways) to bring you this brand new, exciting online slot that is packed with features and high quality visuals. Can you handle the heat? There have been so many slot machines releases that we’re proud of, but we’ll let our catalogue speak for itself - have a peek and find your new favourite!
Play online bingo
If online bingo is your game, then pink casino is the place to play. With a huge selection of online bingo rooms you’ll be spoiled for choice. Our handpicked collection of online bingo games means you can be sure we have something for everyone. If you are looking for fast paced gameplay take a look at the quick-fire speed bingo. Fancy a more traditional bingo game? Then join one of our 90 ball bingo or 75 ball bingo rooms. There are also pre-buy bingo bonus games available for you to buy your tickets in advance. For a big win opportunity you can join our daily drop bingo bonus game for a chance at £500 daily, or double up on friday for the grab a grand bingo bonus weekly drop at a chance of winning £1,000! Don’t forget to keep a close eye on our online casino bonus page, as we regularly update our exclusive pink casino offers.
At pink casino we want to bring the online bingo community together. Feel free to join one of our bingo chat rooms where you can chat for free with other like-minded bingo lovers. With a combo of new and old players, it’s the perfect place to learn the ropes, chat bingo lingo and enjoy the online bingo community experience. Our friendly moderators are always on hand to chat within the bingo rooms.
Choose where and when you want to play with all of our top-class online bingo games available on every device - mobile, desktop or tablet.
Play online casino jackpot slot games
With so much choice, it can be difficult to find the right type of online casino game for pink players! If you’re looking for an online slots experience with added chances of winning big, take a look at our range of jackpot slots, as we have a great range to suit all types of slot game players needs! From jackpot slots inspired by cult TV series, top cat slot, genie in the lamp themed genie jackpots, irish-themed jackpot offerings where pink players can spin through the emerald valleys in slots O’ gold or the hugely popular rainbow jackpots to see if you may uncover a jackpot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Jackpot slots play like regular online slots with the welcome addition of a jackpot prize. As players spin the reels of their chosen jackpot slot game a small percentage is added to a total jackpot. At any point one lucky player could land the slot game symbols required to enter the jackpot round. This means any player at any time could be lucky enough to grab huge winnings from one of our jackpot slot games.
Online casino games bonus promotions
Be sure to keep a close eye on our online casino bonus page! Here, our pink casino players can browse all the latest promotions and offers available to our community of slot game players. With exclusive offers for new and old players alike, be sure to keep checking back as we offer promotions across all of our online slots, bingo, live casino games and more. As well as our promotions page, pink casino also runs a blog! Dive into our online casino blog and discover the rundown on fresh new slot game releases, online casino tips, casino news and more - including the latest on our sponsors!
Are you a slot game player? Don't forget to check out pink's super slot of the week to see our current offer. It's a great way to test a brand new slot, try classic slot games that you may not have tried before, all with the added bonus of free spins.
An online casino with a difference!
If you’re looking for an exceptional online casino experience with a difference, you’ve found it, right here at pink casino! Our friendly community-led approach to online casino games and slots, makes pink players feel right at home and finding the right casino game a breeze! Whether you’re looking for an online slot featuring a frenzy of free spins, such as the adventurous book of dead slot, a slot with a gamble feature that allows you to increase potential wins, such as the lucky lady's charm deluxe slot, or a duel with high paying diamond symbols in the da vinci diamonds slot game, you’ll find all types of casino games with a difference, right here at pink casino!
Play UK mobile casino and slot games
You've heard it before; we all know it, the future is mobile. At pink casino you can take your casino gaming experience with you, anywhere. Year on year the increase in mobile casino gamers grows which is why we have put mobile gaming first. Our mobile casino allows you to play at home or on the move whilst getting the same quality gaming experience, however you choose to play.
Our mobile casino games can be played on desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile devices. Whether you like to play exclusive mobile slots, big win jackpot slots, full house mobile bingo or realistic live casino mobile games you can expect the best mobile experience from any device. Gone are the days of waiting to get home to play your favourite mobile casino or slot game at pink casino.
Play through your mobile device browser or download our brilliant mobile casino app, available on android and ios, which you can read more about below.
Online casino app
Did you know that you can play at pink casino, whenever and wherever you like? Download our exclusive itunes pink casino app and take us on the go with you! Or, if you’re an android user, check out our pink casino app available to download from the google play store. Don’t be fooled into thinking mobile gameplay will differ in quality, as the majority of our most popular slots offer a beautifully optimised mobile experience, with automatically adjusting display preferences and more! Better yet, never miss a promotion or exclusive casino bonus again, as our app will give pink players the option to enable app notifications whenever a new offer arises!
£10 free no deposit bonus
Are you looking for great online slots and other online casino games? If so, we want to make one more offer to help you play at pink casino – we will give you a free, £10 no deposit bonus just for signing up. That's right, you'll have £10 to play with instantly – without having to deposit a single pound of your own money. New players only. 99x wagering requirement, £5 max stake with bonus, £50 max withdrawal, 7-day expiry, not all games contribute. 18+ begambleaware.Org. T&C apply. Come on into pink casino, the UK mobile casino built for you lovely lot.
Online casino blog
We frequently update our online casino blog to give you new content to read every week. Whether it’s a lifestyle piece you’re looking to scroll through over your morning bagel or some news on the latest online slot game releases, we’ve got articles ready and waiting for you to read. Some recent highlights on our blog include our travel guide on the best casino in vegas to get you spinning through the best slots in the city of bright lights, and our best online slots picks for those looking for a little helping hand to choose which online slot to play first.
Paypal casino games
Have you heard the big news? Paypal has officially joined our payment method offerings which makes it easier for our players to pick a deposit source that best suits them!
Paypal is well-known and loved for its security and versatility; once you’ve got an account you’ve opened a gateway to an easier and more streamlined online experience - and that now includes your online casino games! Maybe you don’t have your debit card with you, or maybe you just prefer using paypal for all payments - whatever your reasons, you can now pay how you like at our paypal casino!
Safer gambling
We want to make sure you gamble responsibly, so in accordance with our safer gambling policy, you can now set deposit limits at our online casino any time you wish.
Leovegas gaming plc gaming activity is regulated and licensed by the UK gambling commission. Gambling under the age of 18 is an offence.
Leovegas gaming has a remote bookmakers licence in ireland awarded by the revenue commissioners, licence reference number 1012453, issued on 25th january 2017.
Game industry news

When you feel the itch for some gambling but you just can’t go to the nearest gambling house or casino, then this is the perfect time to check some of the best online variations of your favorite gambling games. You can win a lot of money playing these games, but you need to understand them first and pick up some strategies to make some decent money. Let’s learn a bit more about some of these lucrative games:
Gonzo’s quest
This game has an interesting character based on a real person, gonzalo pizarro, who was a spanish conquistador. He sets off on a quest to the lost city of gold and you have to help him win a lot of gold through this 5 reel and 20 pay-line games. The fun thing is that the game starts off with a short animated video of gonzo’s life and then you start playing with him in the background watching; the game has a maximum coin payout of 2500. It also has great graphics and it’s mostly 3D rendering.
Book of dead slot
If you’re into these types of slot games with different historical themes and ancient egyptian backgrounds, then this is the perfect game for you. This is a 5 reel and 10 pay line casino slot game that takes you on an epic journey with a fun character called mr. Richie wild. You can double your winnings with 50+ free spins if you’re just starting out. It’s got amazing graphics and very cool music, making your experience fun and possibly very lucrative. The game has a 250000 coin jackpot for people to try and get too.
A different variation of bejeweled, this addictive slot is also a 5 reel and 10 pay-line games with a whopping 50000 coin jackpot. Just watching these amazing jewels and dazzling gems, is very entertaining; it comes with a skill stop feature where you can stop the reel whenever you want, but the spin result is still random and you can’t control what you get. It’s known for its fun bonus rounds that can prove to be extremely lucrative too.
Golden goddess
If you’re into fantasy games, then this cool 5 reel and 10 pay line slot game can be an excellent choice for you. You got a golden goddess character with her prince in the background as you play simple rounds that are easy to learn, giving you chances to win the maximum 2000 credits on your one bet. It’s known to have a 98% payout rate, making it a moneymaking and fun choice. Also, the game has a free-to-play feature that can make you practice without the use of real money.

It’s amazing how you can log in and gamble whenever you like and while you’re relaxing at home; you won’t need to get dressed and drive somewhere to gamble. Everything is conveniently available to you online; all you need to do is create an account on the platform you’ve chosen, decide on a banking method and then you can start playing. Remember to learn the game properly and bet responsibly to avoid any losing streaks.
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Online casino & slots UK
Welcome to pink casino! We’re known far and wide for our unique take on the online casino world; you might have even caught us on TV! We've sponsored big brother, the bachelor, celebs on the ranch, the charlotte show and blind date. We’ve looked everywhere to bring our players the best range of picture-perfect online casino and slot games that we could find - and we’re always adding to it! In fact, we currently have over 400 online casino UK slot games right here for you to browse through. Pink casino offers some of the timeless classics, including the jovial jaunt through the emerald isle in barcrest’s famous rainbow riches, some action-packed titles like piggy riches megaways, and even some modern feature-filled hits including the hilarious 90s throwback, beavis and butthead slot. There are so many online slot games there’s bound to be something for every type of pink casino player.
Play live casino games
If online slot games aren’t your favourite online casino game type, pink casino offers some fantastic famous casino variants - including live casino games that will take you right to the heart of the action with the ever-popular live blackjack, or you could spin the classic wheel of live roulette. For live casino games with a twist we have the amazing monopoly live, deal or no deal live and lightning roulette which brings live casino into the future. If you want to take the casino experience with you on the go then you’re in luck! No matter your device of choice, pink casino offers lots of online casino games that are fully compatible across mobile, tablet, and desktops. Join our inclusive and unique community of like-minded online casino players.
Play online casino games & slots
Online slot games are arguably one of the most popular choices for enjoying the online casino experience and at pink casino, we offer over 400 slot games. With our online casino collection updated almost weekly, you’re sure to uncover fresh new slot games each time you visit. Or, if you’re a keen fan of the classic online slots, you’ll find all of the biggest names here at pink casino. Such as the starburst slot, that first gained popularity in physical casinos by soaring slot game players through space in the hopes of landing high paying gems. Or, gonzos quest, where intrepid explorers unite in the hopes of landing some jungle-worthy jackpots. There’s plenty of classics amongst our casino games collection, even pixies of the forest! Keep checking our online slot game collection, as pink casino work to provide our community with the latest games, to enhance your online experience! Take a spin of one of our online slots to see what all the fuss is about. Not sure where to begin? Pink casino recommends one of our cult classics, cleopatra slot, where the captivating queen of the nile resides upon egyptian ruins, ready to guide pink players to landing three sphinx scatters that offer up to 180 free spins! Already played cleopatra? Spin the slot reels on the new monopoly megaways or deal or no deal megaways.
Play new online casino slots
Our impressive catalogue of online slots is bound to offer our pink players the best gaming experience across mobile, tablet, and desktop devices! Keep your eyes peeled for fresh new titles that we release almost weekly, with game themes ranging from jolly irish leprechauns such as rainbow riches pick 'N' mix to ancient egyptian discoveries in eye of horus slot and lots of unique casino games in between. One of our favourites has to be golden goddess, an ethereal slot game set in the fantasy genre boasting some distinctive symbols that bring you into the heart of the godly story. Explore the realm of the goddess for the chance to win some fantastic free spins!
In 2020 we’re not slowing down with our top slot releases. We want to offer our players as big a range of online slots games as we possibly can while also delivering the highest quality casino games from the biggest and best developers. IGT, blueprint gaming, red tiger - all the online slots from the best studios are on offer here at pink casino. The ancient but ever-regal pharaoh made an appearance in our recent releases with the cleopatra diamond spins online slot game to offer players 3 potential progressive jackpot prizes, free spins, and huge payout potential! We stepped into the flames in [dragon's fire megaways(/games/dragons-fire-megaways) to bring you this brand new, exciting online slot that is packed with features and high quality visuals. Can you handle the heat? There have been so many slot machines releases that we’re proud of, but we’ll let our catalogue speak for itself - have a peek and find your new favourite!
Play online bingo
If online bingo is your game, then pink casino is the place to play. With a huge selection of online bingo rooms you’ll be spoiled for choice. Our handpicked collection of online bingo games means you can be sure we have something for everyone. If you are looking for fast paced gameplay take a look at the quick-fire speed bingo. Fancy a more traditional bingo game? Then join one of our 90 ball bingo or 75 ball bingo rooms. There are also pre-buy bingo bonus games available for you to buy your tickets in advance. For a big win opportunity you can join our daily drop bingo bonus game for a chance at £500 daily, or double up on friday for the grab a grand bingo bonus weekly drop at a chance of winning £1,000! Don’t forget to keep a close eye on our online casino bonus page, as we regularly update our exclusive pink casino offers.
At pink casino we want to bring the online bingo community together. Feel free to join one of our bingo chat rooms where you can chat for free with other like-minded bingo lovers. With a combo of new and old players, it’s the perfect place to learn the ropes, chat bingo lingo and enjoy the online bingo community experience. Our friendly moderators are always on hand to chat within the bingo rooms.
Choose where and when you want to play with all of our top-class online bingo games available on every device - mobile, desktop or tablet.
Play online casino jackpot slot games
With so much choice, it can be difficult to find the right type of online casino game for pink players! If you’re looking for an online slots experience with added chances of winning big, take a look at our range of jackpot slots, as we have a great range to suit all types of slot game players needs! From jackpot slots inspired by cult TV series, top cat slot, genie in the lamp themed genie jackpots, irish-themed jackpot offerings where pink players can spin through the emerald valleys in slots O’ gold or the hugely popular rainbow jackpots to see if you may uncover a jackpot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Jackpot slots play like regular online slots with the welcome addition of a jackpot prize. As players spin the reels of their chosen jackpot slot game a small percentage is added to a total jackpot. At any point one lucky player could land the slot game symbols required to enter the jackpot round. This means any player at any time could be lucky enough to grab huge winnings from one of our jackpot slot games.
Online casino games bonus promotions
Be sure to keep a close eye on our online casino bonus page! Here, our pink casino players can browse all the latest promotions and offers available to our community of slot game players. With exclusive offers for new and old players alike, be sure to keep checking back as we offer promotions across all of our online slots, bingo, live casino games and more. As well as our promotions page, pink casino also runs a blog! Dive into our online casino blog and discover the rundown on fresh new slot game releases, online casino tips, casino news and more - including the latest on our sponsors!
Are you a slot game player? Don't forget to check out pink's super slot of the week to see our current offer. It's a great way to test a brand new slot, try classic slot games that you may not have tried before, all with the added bonus of free spins.
An online casino with a difference!
If you’re looking for an exceptional online casino experience with a difference, you’ve found it, right here at pink casino! Our friendly community-led approach to online casino games and slots, makes pink players feel right at home and finding the right casino game a breeze! Whether you’re looking for an online slot featuring a frenzy of free spins, such as the adventurous book of dead slot, a slot with a gamble feature that allows you to increase potential wins, such as the lucky lady's charm deluxe slot, or a duel with high paying diamond symbols in the da vinci diamonds slot game, you’ll find all types of casino games with a difference, right here at pink casino!
Play UK mobile casino and slot games
You've heard it before; we all know it, the future is mobile. At pink casino you can take your casino gaming experience with you, anywhere. Year on year the increase in mobile casino gamers grows which is why we have put mobile gaming first. Our mobile casino allows you to play at home or on the move whilst getting the same quality gaming experience, however you choose to play.
Our mobile casino games can be played on desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile devices. Whether you like to play exclusive mobile slots, big win jackpot slots, full house mobile bingo or realistic live casino mobile games you can expect the best mobile experience from any device. Gone are the days of waiting to get home to play your favourite mobile casino or slot game at pink casino.
Play through your mobile device browser or download our brilliant mobile casino app, available on android and ios, which you can read more about below.
Online casino app
Did you know that you can play at pink casino, whenever and wherever you like? Download our exclusive itunes pink casino app and take us on the go with you! Or, if you’re an android user, check out our pink casino app available to download from the google play store. Don’t be fooled into thinking mobile gameplay will differ in quality, as the majority of our most popular slots offer a beautifully optimised mobile experience, with automatically adjusting display preferences and more! Better yet, never miss a promotion or exclusive casino bonus again, as our app will give pink players the option to enable app notifications whenever a new offer arises!
£10 free no deposit bonus
Are you looking for great online slots and other online casino games? If so, we want to make one more offer to help you play at pink casino – we will give you a free, £10 no deposit bonus just for signing up. That's right, you'll have £10 to play with instantly – without having to deposit a single pound of your own money. New players only. 99x wagering requirement, £5 max stake with bonus, £50 max withdrawal, 7-day expiry, not all games contribute. 18+ begambleaware.Org. T&C apply. Come on into pink casino, the UK mobile casino built for you lovely lot.
Online casino blog
We frequently update our online casino blog to give you new content to read every week. Whether it’s a lifestyle piece you’re looking to scroll through over your morning bagel or some news on the latest online slot game releases, we’ve got articles ready and waiting for you to read. Some recent highlights on our blog include our travel guide on the best casino in vegas to get you spinning through the best slots in the city of bright lights, and our best online slots picks for those looking for a little helping hand to choose which online slot to play first.
Paypal casino games
Have you heard the big news? Paypal has officially joined our payment method offerings which makes it easier for our players to pick a deposit source that best suits them!
Paypal is well-known and loved for its security and versatility; once you’ve got an account you’ve opened a gateway to an easier and more streamlined online experience - and that now includes your online casino games! Maybe you don’t have your debit card with you, or maybe you just prefer using paypal for all payments - whatever your reasons, you can now pay how you like at our paypal casino!
Safer gambling
We want to make sure you gamble responsibly, so in accordance with our safer gambling policy, you can now set deposit limits at our online casino any time you wish.
Leovegas gaming plc gaming activity is regulated and licensed by the UK gambling commission. Gambling under the age of 18 is an offence.
Leovegas gaming has a remote bookmakers licence in ireland awarded by the revenue commissioners, licence reference number 1012453, issued on 25th january 2017.
Casino game that starts with a k
There are three basic variations on the roulette theme in casinos around the world, although the differences are very small. They are british, american and french. In france the american roulette game is called english roulette, which is more accurate.
The game is all about predicting where a little white ball will come to rest after spinning around the rim of a roulette wheel. The ball circles for as many as 40 revolutions and as few as 4, the carousel (middle bit with the slots in, or hub) spins continuously in the opposite direction. When the ball and carousel collide, the ball bounces randomly and eventually runs out of steam to rest in a slot with a number attached to it. That number is the winning one.
The wheel sits on a roulette table that has a cloth 'layout'. The layout design has numbers drawn on it that correspond to those in the wheel ( 0 - 36 ). Money placed on, or associated with, the winning number on the cloth layout is rewarded with a prize payout in casino chips. There are different odds payouts associated with different number selections. (full details of how to play roulette)
Its a fast action game that brings out the best and the worst of tempers. A quiet mid-week night in a provincial casino can be as boring as hell but saturday night will see plenty of cheering and swearing. This ain't for the faint hearted or weak willed. It can destroy sane people!
What about the different games? Well now, here's the funny thing. If you walk into a british casino you will, more often than not, see the roulette table designated as 'american roulette'. What makes it american is that it uses different coloured chips for each player at the table so that their bets can be told apart. It is in fact british (see below).
The basic idea of getting close to 21, or reaching it, and beating the dealer, is the same worldwide. From there, the variations begin and are so numerous we won't describe them all. Here in the table are some of the important differences. To see the impact of these differences visit house edge. If you want to get the details of what effects subtle variations in the rules have, then read down to the recommended book reading in this section, especially by stanford wong and peter griffin.
What can be said about having more choices is that it ultimately cannot make the players chances of winning any worse. But due to the inexperienced nature of most players playing online blackjack in uk, choice basically increases the number of ways to go wrong. The following examples are common; doubling 10 against a dealer's 10 (or even ace!) and splitting 8s against 10s or aces! Suffice to say that these are massive blunders.
One point of interest is that in the U.S the dealer gets a face down card ( hole card ) as well as his upcard. What this means is that the dealer checks for the possibility of having a 'blackjack' before any doubling or splitting is done. If he has one, then all bets lose (save a players 'blackjack') and no one can make a mistake by doubling or splitting when they shouldn't. They can and do in the U.K.
The other variation which you will no doubt come across is the numbers of decks of cards used to make up the pack. It all started by playing with just one deck but as players got better, the number of decks increased. Eight decks are used in some places, six is common and four can still be seen in the U.K in places. In the U.S, one and two deck games are often hand-held instead of drawing the cards from a shoe . Rules of play differ according to the number of decks in the U.S but they are the same where ever you go in the U.K.
Betting systems like those described for roulette can be applied to BJ although the doubling and splitting features complicate matters. GGG doesn't recommend trying them or any method of increasing your bets to get your loses back.
Your best chance is to stick to basic strategy, this will keep the house edge down to 1%. Normal play by the general public is riddled with errors and the house gets a 3% vig. From them on average and really bad players give them a lot more.
One more thing : play at the table can get bitchy, oh brother ! One play by the last box player can obviously affect the outcome of the dealer's hand and therefore change everybodies fate. However, and take this in, the order of cards to come are not known and over the long haul there is no relevance to you, or anyone else, what happens at the last box .
You could spend your life reading what has been written on the subject of winning at BJ. Most of it is either rubbish or just pretentious. If you want to read then stick to the main men. They are edward O. Thorp, ken uston, stanford wong and peter griffin. Understand that casinos around the world have benefited greatly from people who read a book on BJ and then launch confidently into playing with their new found knowledge. To win using real systems at BJ you must do a tremendous amount of work. The minimum is to make basic strategy part of your body.
There are three basic strategies:
- Card counting
- Shuffle tracking
- Card location
card counting, is the original way to beat BJ as described by ed. Thorp in his book beat the dealer , which has sold a million copies. Nowadays this is only a way to get level with the house but the book sellers still do well out of it. Card counting understands that some cards in the deck, notably 10s and aces, help the player make good hands and others cause problems, like 4s, 5s and 6s. If you count the good and bad cards as they are dealt you are able to know when there is a favourable distribution of 'good' cards left to be dealt. Then you bet more money.
There is a lot of bull floating around in the gambling business about 'card counting' to the effect that the casino staff spend much time in trying to eliminate it without understanding why. GGG says that if you want to really work and you like doing maths in your head, then card counting can give a level playing field with the house. If its your cup of tea then go for it.
Shuffle tracking, is an update to card counting. It is more efficient and thus more effective. As cards are placed into the discard pile, the player will notice when a group of good cards (10s & aces) clump together. Later, another similar group may be placed there as well. Now the player has to watch the shuffle and if the two groups are shuffled together then that is the area in the pack that the shuffle-tracking player will aim for. When its time for those cards to be dealt in the next shoe, the player bets much bigger for several hands in a row. GGG says this is good but practice for a month.
Card location, is the real mccoy and no one really writes about it because they are too busy coining money from old rope. (also they don't really know) GGG will be doing a special on this at a later date!
Conclusion |
BJ is a game that has been beaten and still is. It is a lot of real work. An equal amount of work spent in the real world will deliver gauranteed results in a real business. This wont gaurantee you anything. You really have to love it and its getting tougher all the time. Your best bet is to keep tight limits on your money and just aim to learn the basic strategy slowly. You will not be favourite to win but you'll make it close enough for a shot at winning.
Books necessary texts for the serious player are basic blackjack by stanford wong,the theory of blackjack by peter griffin and possibly blackbelt in blackjack by arnold snyder. Also read blackjack legends the MIT blackjack team
casino stud poker (jackpot) |
Card | player % | bank % | player edge % | bank edge % |
0 | 41.52 | 49.52 | -8.0 | 5.52 |
1 | 41.55 | 49.38 | -7.83 | 5.36 |
2 | 41.72 | 49.08 | -7.36 | 4.91 |
3 | 41.99 | 48.70 | -6.72 | 4.28 |
4 | 42.33 | 47.95 | -5.62 | 3.22 |
5 | 43.33 | 46.81 | -3.47 | 1.13 |
6 | 45.01 | 44.26 | 0.76 | -2.97 |
7 | 48.31 | 40.95 | 7.36 | -9.41 |
8 | 53.84 | 36.54 | 17.29 | -19.12 |
9 | 55.95 | 34.42 | 21.53 | -23.25 |
conclusion |
It can be beaten but is very difficult. If you like second guessing which hand will win or you have a staking system to try out, this is the game. Once again, stick closely to your money limits, walk away if you lose the amount you allowed yourself.
This is the game that sorts the wheat from the chaff. Consequently this game is dying out to the detriment of the casino enviroment. To the unintiated, the fast flow of a lively craps game is totally unintelligable, as though the players had suddenly started talking an alien language. Added to that, there are more variation bets in craps than all the other games put together.
Now there are two basic types of craps games, one private and one bank. Private craps is what you see in american movies and is the focus of the film, the big town. Casinos offer bank craps in the american form.
Craps in the U.S and the U.K differ in that some of the odds payouts are different plus the U.S version has more sucker bets. See how to play craps for playing guidelines and house edge for more on the percentages of the game.
The whole idea of the game is to bet on the outcome of a pair of dice ('dice' is plural of 'die' folks). Tradionally they are chunky red see-through dice with white spots that get rolled, or more likely thrown, down the craps table. Bets themselves split into three groups, those that are immediate decisions, or one roll bets , and those that last for many rolls, or place bets and the basic front line bets .
One roll bets for the most part you can consider all of these to be sucker bets which is unfortunate because they are the exciting bets that get paid high odds. The exception to this rule is the field bet (UK) which has a vig. Of 2.56%. Everything else is over 5%.
Place bets these range from 1.5% vig. To 5.5%. Placing 6 or 8 gets you the 1.5%.
Front line bets these are the basic bets of craps and can be played at any time. With full odds played on these bets (recommended) you can reach 0.83% vig against you. This is the best casino bet availabe .
Because come bets can be made continuously and they are just another front line ( pass line or win line ) bet, then you can just play with these. You start with a front line and as soon as the point is made take odds and make a come bet. Play up to three come bets and take odds on all of them. At your maximun vulnerability you will have effectively four front line bets with four different point numbers. Your aim is to take at least 2 down by hitting their point numbers. You are finished and in good profit if you take them all down when you could start again or walk. Across all of these bets you are giving away a little over 0.8% . Its your best shot at a game with no edge and no lengthy work that you'll find inside a casino!
There is no way to beat this game, other than cheat (and we are against that). Professionals can be found playing this game for reasons of fun, in search of excitement, or the little known technique of washing their chips that they have won from playing something else.
So, let's see, what we have: casino glossary of terms A to F. Terminology. At casino game that starts with a k
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