Friday, January 11, 2019

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

How does casino games

New casino sites to play real money

A truly enormous amount of money changes hands at casinos every year. While there are certainly big winners at the gaming tables every now and then, the only sure winner in a casino is the owner. In 2005, commercial casinos in the united states had gross revenues of $31.85 billion. Add to that the revenue of native american casinos, which brought in $22.62 billion in 2005, and it's safe to say that casino industry profits have been steadily increasing for more than a decade [source: american gaming]. As of 2007, only two U.S. States do not have legal gambling: utah and hawaii [source: hawaii news]. Every other state either has state-sanctioned casinos or native american gaming.

How casinos work

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

The modern casino is like an indoor amusement park for adults, with the vast majority of the entertainment (and profits for the owner) coming from gambling. While musical shows, lighted fountains, shopping centers, lavish hotels and elaborate themes help draw in the guests, casinos would not exist without games of chance. Slot machines, blackjack, roulette, craps, keno, baccarat and more provide the billions of dollars in profits raked in by U.S. Casinos every year.

In this article we'll look at how casinos make their money, the history behind them, what the popular games are and how they are played, what you could expect when you visit one, how casino's stay safe and the dark side of the business.

Casino business

A casino is simply a public place where a variety of games of chance can be played, and where gambling is the primary activity engaged in by patrons. The typical casino adds a host of luxuries to help attract players, including restaurants, free drinks, stage shows and dramatic scenery, but there have certainly been less lavish places that house gambling activities. These would still technically be called casinos.

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

A truly enormous amount of money changes hands at casinos every year. While there are certainly big winners at the gaming tables every now and then, the only sure winner in a casino is the owner. In 2005, commercial casinos in the united states had gross revenues of $31.85 billion. Add to that the revenue of native american casinos, which brought in $22.62 billion in 2005, and it's safe to say that casino industry profits have been steadily increasing for more than a decade [source: american gaming].

Casinos make money because every game they offer has a built in statistical advantage for the casino. That edge can be very small (lower than two percent), but over time and the millions of bets placed by casino patrons, that edge earns the casino enough money to build elaborate hotels, fountains, giant pyramids, towers and replicas of famous landmarks. The casino advantage is known as the "vig" (short for vigorish) or the rake, depending on the game. The exact number can vary based on how the player plays the game and whether the casino has set different payouts for video poker or slot machines.

As of 2007, only two U.S. States do not have legal gambling: utah and hawaii [source: hawaii news]. Every other state either has state-sanctioned casinos or native american gaming.

A comp is a free good or service given by the casino to "good" players. Keep in mind that, from the casino's point of view, a good player is one who spends a lot of money. People who place large bets or spend hours at slot machines will often receive free hotel rooms, dinners, tickets to shows or even limo service and airline tickets if they are big enough spenders. Comps are based on the length of time the player spends at the casino and the stakes he or she is playing at. Ask a casino employee or someone at the information desk how to get your play rated. You may have to notify the dealer at the table you play at, or sign up for a "slot club" card that will automatically track your play at slot machines. That way, the casino will be aware of how much you're playing and betting. If you're rated high enough, you could get a comp. Casino experts point out that placing larger bets than you otherwise would, or staying in the casino longer in order to earn a comp is a sucker bet. The money you blow on the games is almost always far more than you would have spent simply buying whatever it is you want comped [source: renneisen].

How to play casino

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

As far back as 1797, casino was described in books on card games. Though the game has quite a few details, it's easy to learn and fun to play, with lots of suspense and surprise. Here's how to play:

Object: to score points by taking cards.

The cards: standard 52-card deck

Playing: deal four cards to each player and four cards faceup on the table. Dealer keeps the rest of the pack handy. Nondealer plays a card first; players then alternate until the round is over. You can combine the card you play with cards on the table in many possible ways.

Matching: if your card matches by rank a card on the table, you can take the pair immediately. Place the two cards facedown in front of you on the table. Face cards can be taken only with other face cards and only in pairs -- if two queens are on the table and you hold another queen, you can take only one of the queens. However, if three matching face cards are on the table and you hold the fourth, you can take all four.

Combining: if your card equals the combined sum of two or more cards on the table, you can take those cards immediately.

Building: if at least one free card on the table, plus the card you play, totals the number of a card in your hand, announce this build number and pile up the build to take later. For example, if there is a 6 on the table and you have a 3 and a 9 in your hand, you could play the 3 onto the 6 and say "building 9s." on your next turn, if your opponent hasn't taken it, you can take the build with your 9.

Your opponent can change the value of a build by playing another card. In this case, opponent can play an ace on the build and say "building 10s." this tells you he or she has a 10 with which to take the build.

But if your 9 build is still there and if you have two 9s in your hand, on your next turn you can put one of them on top of the build and say, "still building 9s," intending to take the build with your remaining 9. This creates a double build. Players can't change the value of a double build.

Once you have made a build, on your next turn you must take the build, add to the build, or make a new build. Leaving a build untaken runs the risk that opponent will take it, but you may leave a build behind as long as you can add cards to it or make another play. Nothing prevents you from taking opponent's build; you can do so if you have the right card. On the other hand, nothing prevents your opponent from taking your build!

How does casino games

There are three basic variations on the roulette theme in casinos around the world, although the differences are very small. They are british, american and french. In france the american roulette game is called english roulette, which is more accurate.

The game is all about predicting where a little white ball will come to rest after spinning around the rim of a roulette wheel. The ball circles for as many as 40 revolutions and as few as 4, the carousel (middle bit with the slots in, or hub) spins continuously in the opposite direction. When the ball and carousel collide, the ball bounces randomly and eventually runs out of steam to rest in a slot with a number attached to it. That number is the winning one.

The wheel sits on a roulette table that has a cloth 'layout'. The layout design has numbers drawn on it that correspond to those in the wheel ( 0 - 36 ). Money placed on, or associated with, the winning number on the cloth layout is rewarded with a prize payout in casino chips. There are different odds payouts associated with different number selections. (full details of how to play roulette)

Its a fast action game that brings out the best and the worst of tempers. A quiet mid-week night in a provincial casino can be as boring as hell but saturday night will see plenty of cheering and swearing. This ain't for the faint hearted or weak willed. It can destroy sane people!

What about the different games? Well now, here's the funny thing. If you walk into a british casino you will, more often than not, see the roulette table designated as 'american roulette'. What makes it american is that it uses different coloured chips for each player at the table so that their bets can be told apart. It is in fact british (see below).

Types of roulette game
american 38 35-1 5.40% - coloured playing chips
- tipping of gaming staff
- double zero present, "00"
british 37 35-1 2.78% - coloured playing chips
- tipping allowed
- single zero present, "0"
french 37 35-1 2.78% - cash playing chips
- tipping staff essential
- single zero present, "0"
(1) odds of payout for a full bet on a single number

American like to play roulette with a " 00 " and a hefty edge against them. The wheel has the normal numbers from 1 to 36 in alternate red and black colours with a green zero and also their 'double zero', also green. Therefore the game has a total of 38 numbers to bet on. The edge against the player is large and consequently the game is not nearly so popular there. Tipping the croupier for a good win is also a tax on top of the house vig. Ouch!

British have the best of it. No tipping ( a lovely 1968 rule ) used to be the law but changes in the 2005 gaming act now allow it but it is not as common as in europe or the US. European roulette wheels, and that includes the U.K, have the numbers in a different order to an american wheel. Both alternate red and black but the european wheel also alternates high and low where as the U.S wheel alternates two low, two high. Another curious difference is that the numbers on a european wheel face inwards and they face outwards on a U.S wheel. Roulette is more popular in britain than anywhere else.

French roulette is played in many places in france and some other fancy casinos around the world. It is a slow, etiquette style game where large cash chips are placed by the two croupiers for the punters. All chips look the same so it is essential that the croupier has great skill in remembering who owns each bet. Nowadays this form is receding into being a show-piece. It doesn't make the house a lot of money but the tips are expected to flow freely.

Visit house edge to see more about the casino advantage in roulette.

Mathematically it is true that if you double up your stakes after a loss, you will eventually win all your money back. The trouble with applying that idea to anything in reality is that a losing streak can force some pretty large bets. You may not have the money to back it up but most certainly you will reach the house limit at some point in time. It is doomed to failure. Don't get caught by this because if you try it, it is likely to succeed for a time before the big crash hits you!

Famous systems: for the record, the simple doubling when you lose system is called the martingale. You start with 1 unit on red (or any even chance bet), then bet 2,4,8,16 and so on, as long as you lose. Whenever you win, you only make a profit of 1 unit. Conversely, the anti-martingale system attempts to take advantage of those long runs by doubling up stakes as you win. This is done by placing your unit bet on an even chance choice and letting the winnings ride until you reach a number of consecutive wins that you thought of before you started. (1+1+2+4+8+16=32 or a return of 32 for 1 after five consecutive wins) this is as equally doomed as its older brother but it doesn't have the potential for catastrophic ruin in one outing.

The labouchère is an appealing try for betting on even chance bets. Take, for instance, six numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6 (you could have 4 or 8 numbers) and bet the total of the first and the last, 1+6=7. If you win you add that number to the end of the sequence, i.E. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Now play 1+7=8. If you lose you cross out the first and the last to leave you with 2,3,4,5 and then bet 2+5=7.
Three straight wins from the off and you'll win 24 units whilst losing 3 straight will lose 21 and cross out all the numbers. Of course you are likely to lose more often than you win but its a close thing.
This is a system that limits losses and plays up a 'good run'. Have a solid figure in mind at which you'll stop when ahead and when behind! GGG thinks this is fun and treated with care it will provide some chance to win and have good fun at the same time.

The d'alembert is simply another adding and subtracting system for even chances . For example, bet 10 units on red and if you win, bet 9 on the next spin. If you lose bet 11. Whenever you get to a zero bet you are in profit. The big problem is that you could go on losing all night. GGG doesn't like this much.

There are three serious ways to win at the game of roulette. The third way is to cheat and we will not be condoning any method that involves cheating! We recommend cheats to head for the door.

The two serious attempts to win involve understanding the game and what it is all about. As a customer you may never have thought what is going on but will almost certainly have thought of betting systems that could win for you. Ask yourself why did you do that. Then sit down and begin thinking what the game is. It is a mechanical system for producing random numbers. Which is impossible.

Prediction. A wheel turning in one direction with a gentle slowdown and a ball travelling in the other with a fast but predictable decay. People have used computers to track both and predict where they'll meet. Lots of time and money to develop and if you get spotted they will bar you from entering the casino. This is as tough as it gets. In nevada its illegal. Over here there is no law. However if they suspect you or can trump up a rumour about you, they will not pay you your money!

Bias. In the late nineteenth century, english engineer joseph jagger took 1.5 million francs from the grand casino in monte carlo. He had hired six clerks to record numbers from the roulette wheels for one month to find that they weren't true random number generators. He played the biased numbers for a long stretch and cashed big-time! If he could do it, so can others. This is very very tough, needing a lot of casino experience. Casinos nowadays take measures against this.

Yes it is true that people have won money in a professional sense at this game. How? Because nobody believes that it is possible and when it does happen, the denial just grows and grows until it can't be admitted. Your aim should be to play this game for fun with limited risk. Just set aside an exact amount of money and play it up as slowly or aggressively as you like to suit your style. Give yourself goals to achieve and stick to them. If you happen to reach them quickly, stop and live it up in the bar or restaurant.

the only decent practical book that has had a good print run and therefore available is beating the wheel by russell T. Barnhart . There is also a good read novel, thirteen against the bank, by norman leigh .

Blackjack is the major table game in the U.S but in the UK it is way behind roulette in terms of turnover. This game can actually be interesting to play and if you do your homework (read some books) then you can cut the house edge down to nothing (warning: this is tough!).

To play you must first place a bet (say £10). Two cards are dealt face up to you and one to the dealer. Your aim is to make your cards total more than the dealers but not go over 21 ( bust ) which forfeits your bet.. You may ask for additional cards and once you've decided to stop taking them the dealer begins adding cards to their hand. They must draw a card if their total is less than 17 and stop once they reach 17 or more. Over 21 ( bust or 'to many' ) and the players hand wins if it is still live.

If your total is higher than the dealer's or the dealer has bust, then your bet is paid at even odds, that means you win an amount equal to your bet. A blackjack is a two card hand consisting of a picture card (that includes 10s) and an ace. That pays 3/2 (£15 for £10), for the player. If your total is lower then you lose your bet and if equal then you get your money back (a stand-off , a push ).

splitting any
any number of times (not aces)
doubling any 2 cards any two cards
soft totals
dealer hole card no yes
hit soft 17 no varies

The basic idea of getting close to 21, or reaching it, and beating the dealer, is the same worldwide. From there, the variations begin and are so numerous we won't describe them all. Here in the table are some of the important differences. To see the impact of these differences visit house edge. If you want to get the details of what effects subtle variations in the rules have, then read down to the recommended book reading in this section, especially by stanford wong and peter griffin.

What can be said about having more choices is that it ultimately cannot make the players chances of winning any worse. But due to the inexperienced nature of most players playing online blackjack in uk, choice basically increases the number of ways to go wrong. The following examples are common; doubling 10 against a dealer's 10 (or even ace!) and splitting 8s against 10s or aces! Suffice to say that these are massive blunders.

One point of interest is that in the U.S the dealer gets a face down card ( hole card ) as well as his upcard. What this means is that the dealer checks for the possibility of having a 'blackjack' before any doubling or splitting is done. If he has one, then all bets lose (save a players 'blackjack') and no one can make a mistake by doubling or splitting when they shouldn't. They can and do in the U.K.

The other variation which you will no doubt come across is the numbers of decks of cards used to make up the pack. It all started by playing with just one deck but as players got better, the number of decks increased. Eight decks are used in some places, six is common and four can still be seen in the U.K in places. In the U.S, one and two deck games are often hand-held instead of drawing the cards from a shoe . Rules of play differ according to the number of decks in the U.S but they are the same where ever you go in the U.K.

Betting systems like those described for roulette can be applied to BJ although the doubling and splitting features complicate matters. GGG doesn't recommend trying them or any method of increasing your bets to get your loses back.

Your best chance is to stick to basic strategy, this will keep the house edge down to 1%. Normal play by the general public is riddled with errors and the house gets a 3% vig. From them on average and really bad players give them a lot more.

One more thing : play at the table can get bitchy, oh brother ! One play by the last box player can obviously affect the outcome of the dealer's hand and therefore change everybodies fate. However, and take this in, the order of cards to come are not known and over the long haul there is no relevance to you, or anyone else, what happens at the last box .

You could spend your life reading what has been written on the subject of winning at BJ. Most of it is either rubbish or just pretentious. If you want to read then stick to the main men. They are edward O. Thorp, ken uston, stanford wong and peter griffin. Understand that casinos around the world have benefited greatly from people who read a book on BJ and then launch confidently into playing with their new found knowledge. To win using real systems at BJ you must do a tremendous amount of work. The minimum is to make basic strategy part of your body.

There are three basic strategies:

  • Card counting

  • Shuffle tracking

  • Card location

card counting, is the original way to beat BJ as described by ed. Thorp in his book beat the dealer , which has sold a million copies. Nowadays this is only a way to get level with the house but the book sellers still do well out of it. Card counting understands that some cards in the deck, notably 10s and aces, help the player make good hands and others cause problems, like 4s, 5s and 6s. If you count the good and bad cards as they are dealt you are able to know when there is a favourable distribution of 'good' cards left to be dealt. Then you bet more money.

There is a lot of bull floating around in the gambling business about 'card counting' to the effect that the casino staff spend much time in trying to eliminate it without understanding why. GGG says that if you want to really work and you like doing maths in your head, then card counting can give a level playing field with the house. If its your cup of tea then go for it.

Shuffle tracking, is an update to card counting. It is more efficient and thus more effective. As cards are placed into the discard pile, the player will notice when a group of good cards (10s & aces) clump together. Later, another similar group may be placed there as well. Now the player has to watch the shuffle and if the two groups are shuffled together then that is the area in the pack that the shuffle-tracking player will aim for. When its time for those cards to be dealt in the next shoe, the player bets much bigger for several hands in a row. GGG says this is good but practice for a month.

Card location, is the real mccoy and no one really writes about it because they are too busy coining money from old rope. (also they don't really know) GGG will be doing a special on this at a later date!


BJ is a game that has been beaten and still is. It is a lot of real work. An equal amount of work spent in the real world will deliver gauranteed results in a real business. This wont gaurantee you anything. You really have to love it and its getting tougher all the time. Your best bet is to keep tight limits on your money and just aim to learn the basic strategy slowly. You will not be favourite to win but you'll make it close enough for a shot at winning.

Books necessary texts for the serious player are basic blackjack by stanford wong,the theory of blackjack by peter griffin and possibly blackbelt in blackjack by arnold snyder. Also read blackjack legends – the MIT blackjack team

casino stud poker (jackpot)

This is a casino-dealer dealt table game. Its you against the house with real poker hands. Each player gets dealt five cards face down along with the dealer who gets four down cards and one up card. There is an ante bet before the player gets his cards and if they wish to continue and play against the dealers hand then they must make another bet (or raise ) of exactly twice the ante . If they don't then they forfeit their ante . (see how to play casino stud poker)

For the dealer to play against the player, they must have a qualifying hand of ace,king,x,x,x (x is any card) or better (this happens 56% of the time). If the player has decided on playing and making the necessary raise and the dealer qualifies , then its a straight show-down of who has got the best poker hand. If the dealer wins they take all three units bet. If the player wins he will win either 3 units or a bonus payout if he has a strong hand (better than one pair).

Now this should be all rather simple but players of this uninteresting game make a hell of a botch out of it. Some smart bods have worked on this one, like the late, great, peter griffin, and the basic edge against the player is 2.5%. See house edge this is really quite good and comparable to roulette.

The jackpot
this is a cumulative prize that builds from players across the country placing a side bet that will be paid should the player be dealt a top hand. 30% of each pound placed goes into the pockets of the casino and the other 70% feeds the jackpot fund. The payouts are £50 for a flush, £75 for a full house , £100 for a four of a kind, 10% of the total for a straight flush and 100% of the the fund for royal flush.

Don't bluff. Motto: if you have a pile of junk then throw it away.
This is an extremely simple game and thus tedious. The only enjoyment to be had is involved with being able to slowly reveal your hand to yourself. Stick to the plan of raising the extra two units when you have a strong akxxx hand or better. (i.E. A K J 9 4 ). Drop and lose that ante bet when you have worse. Always!

Sorry folks but there is little to do here. There are some theoretical ways to improve on the 2.5% edge for the house but the difference is at best 0.1%, so you could get down to 2.4%. If you really want to know what they are then read the excellent book by author john haigh, taking chances.

As an aside, people often think (and this includes casino staff) that if you collude with the other players at the table and discover what cards they have, then you will be able to find out what hand the dealer is holding. Well I can tell you that even if all seven boxes at the table were being played, the dealer still has 16 remaining cards from which his four down cards are selected. Using a computer to analyze all 1820 possible 4-card sets out of 16 the player would have an advantage of 2.3%. In a six player game the house would still have an edge of 0.4%. Unfortunatley the internet casinos usually only have 3 player spots. Basically its a non-starter.

For you to have a break even equity at the jackpot side bet in an UK casino, the meter would have to be at least £263,205. If you are playing a £5 initial poker bet, your average bet will be about £10 and your vig. Against you about 25 pence. So to have an even equity across both bets the jackpot prize will have to be 25% above £263,205 which is £329,006. Look for games that allow a £2.50 front bet and play the jackpot bet only when the prize is £296,105 and above.

Baccarat is the mother name for a collection of games with very similiar rules but its origins are not clear as many card game historians compete with their own derivations of the game. Punto banco is a version of baccarat and the one played around the world in casinos and just simply called baccarat. Baccarat en banque and chemin de fer are older variations. In both there are choices for the players, in punto banco there are none.

Punto banco is a simple game of comparing punto ('player') hands with banco ('bank') hands. Two cards are dealt to each from a shoe containing some 312 cards (6 decks). Their value for this game is the last digit only, i.E. 9+6=5 and 3+2=5. This would be trivial and not much of a game but some complex rules are added to see whether either hand gets a third card and thus a different total.

Players at the table have the choice of betting either punto or banco or a third bet, egalité ('ties'), which means betting that the hands will finish equal.
See how to play punto banco for the complete rules.

Banco is favourite to win! However there is a 5% tax on your winnings if you bet banco and so the house edge is 1.17%. Punto gives them 1.36%, close, but not the same. Around one in ten hands are tied but the payout is 9 for 1, which in english is 8-1. Its massive house edge of 14%!

If ever you wanted a chance to play your weired staking systems then this is the game for you. Betting banco gives you the least house vig. Possible inside a casino and the big casinos have large limits. (though much reduced from years gone by after many high profile losses due to collusion between customers and staff)

There have been professionals who have made money out of this game but they relied on the casino in question not knowing how to operate the game correctly. The game itself is not beatable. Poor dealing practises where the croupier exposes the back cards can reveal the exact sequence of cards for the last hand and therefore provide a lock which allows a maximum bet win. This requires a team play, spotter and player at least.

Edge sorting
much has been talked about the phil ivey edge sorting case in the courts. Edge sorting relies on the markings of the patterns on the backs of cards to alert the player what the first card is. The manufacturer of the cards must be known in advance with research on any patterns that can be used. The first card is dealt to the player hand and so you can use the table below to work out the advantage. This can be done naturally but in the phil ivey case he and his playing partner asked the dealer to sort the cards so that the markings were all visable before the deal.

Card player % bank % player edge % bank edge %
0 41.52 49.52 -8.0 5.52
1 41.55 49.38 -7.83 5.36
2 41.72 49.08 -7.36 4.91
3 41.99 48.70 -6.72 4.28
4 42.33 47.95 -5.62 3.22
5 43.33 46.81 -3.47 1.13
6 45.01 44.26 0.76 -2.97
7 48.31 40.95 7.36 -9.41
8 53.84 36.54 17.29 -19.12
9 55.95 34.42 21.53 -23.25


It can be beaten but is very difficult. If you like second guessing which hand will win or you have a staking system to try out, this is the game. Once again, stick closely to your money limits, walk away if you lose the amount you allowed yourself.

This is the game that sorts the wheat from the chaff. Consequently this game is dying out to the detriment of the casino enviroment. To the unintiated, the fast flow of a lively craps game is totally unintelligable, as though the players had suddenly started talking an alien language. Added to that, there are more variation bets in craps than all the other games put together.

Now there are two basic types of craps games, one private and one bank. Private craps is what you see in american movies and is the focus of the film, the big town. Casinos offer bank craps in the american form.

Craps in the U.S and the U.K differ in that some of the odds payouts are different plus the U.S version has more sucker bets. See how to play craps for playing guidelines and house edge for more on the percentages of the game.

The whole idea of the game is to bet on the outcome of a pair of dice ('dice' is plural of 'die' folks). Tradionally they are chunky red see-through dice with white spots that get rolled, or more likely thrown, down the craps table. Bets themselves split into three groups, those that are immediate decisions, or one roll bets , and those that last for many rolls, or place bets and the basic front line bets .

One roll bets for the most part you can consider all of these to be sucker bets which is unfortunate because they are the exciting bets that get paid high odds. The exception to this rule is the field bet (UK) which has a vig. Of 2.56%. Everything else is over 5%.

Place bets these range from 1.5% vig. To 5.5%. Placing 6 or 8 gets you the 1.5%.

Front line bets these are the basic bets of craps and can be played at any time. With full odds played on these bets (recommended) you can reach 0.83% vig against you. This is the best casino bet availabe .

Because come bets can be made continuously and they are just another front line ( pass line or win line ) bet, then you can just play with these. You start with a front line and as soon as the point is made take odds and make a come bet. Play up to three come bets and take odds on all of them. At your maximun vulnerability you will have effectively four front line bets with four different point numbers. Your aim is to take at least 2 down by hitting their point numbers. You are finished and in good profit if you take them all down when you could start again or walk. Across all of these bets you are giving away a little over 0.8% . Its your best shot at a game with no edge and no lengthy work that you'll find inside a casino!

There is no way to beat this game, other than cheat (and we are against that). Professionals can be found playing this game for reasons of fun, in search of excitement, or the little known technique of washing their chips that they have won from playing something else.

The beginner's guide to casino gambling

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What you need to know before you start

You’re finally in a twinkly, noisy casino. You’ve filled up at the buffet and you’re itching to roll the dice and see if lady luck is on your side. Well hold on there buckaroo. You may have big dreams of hitting the jackpot and retiring on your own private island, but that’s not going to happen here. Gambling is a good time and can offer a nice rush when things shake out in your favor, but it’s not how it looks in the movies.

  • The house always has an advantage: no matter what game you’re playing, the house (the casino you’re gambling in) has an edge. They do not need to rely on luck to win and make money, they just need players like you. The math is on their side, always. Know that going in, and never assume you have the upper hand with these games. Somebody’s big win dwarfs in comparison to the thousands of wins the house has claimed.

  • Luck is the biggest factor in winning: unlike the house, you do have to rely on luck to make any money—most of the time. There are ways you can slightly reduce the house’s advantage over you by playing smart, thus extending your play time, but luck is still the biggest determining factor of your success.

  • Start with a fixed amount of money you’re ready to lose: gambling is not a lucrative way to make money. It is strictly for entertainment. Before you walk onto the casino floor, decide how much money you can comfortably afford to play with (meaning: lose forever), then stick to it. Take out some cash, then leave your ATM card in your hotel room. Never take out more money to get back what you’ve lost. Create boundaries for yourself. If you can’t comfortably afford to lose it, don’t play. Sorry. Gambling isn’t designed to save people down on their luck.

  • Hot streaks don’t last: if you’re winning and have more money than you started with, think about stopping. Eventually your hot streak will end and you’ll look at your chips wondering where all those winnings went.

Lastly, I recommend you look into player rewards and incentives being offered at the casino you’re gambling in. These programs often cost you nothing to join, but they can earn you swag, free gambling credit, free meals, and even free stays in really nice suites. You’re already spending the money to play, so you might as well take advantage of these programs. Look for a customer service counter or ask someone at the cashier’s cage.

Pick the right games to play

Depending on what kind of experience you’re interested in, some games are better to play than others. Do you actually want to use skill to try to win some money? Or do you want to lounge around and sip on free cocktails? Do you want to feel the weight of casino chips in your hands? Or would you rather look at a machine showing off flashy effects and sounds?

If you’re looking to win, you should go for games that both require some degree of skill and won’t leave you naked and penniless too fast. The games with the best odds for players who actually know how to play ( or less house edge ) are:

  • Blackjack (single deck, if available)

  • Video poker (I suggest “double bonus” or “double double bonus”)

  • Craps (some bets)

  • Baccarat

If you’re just looking to have some fun with an easy-to-learn game, however, I recommend these:

  • Slots (note: penny slots do not cost only one cent to play)

  • Roulette (european roulette has slightly better odds)

  • Keno

While playing slots, you can snag free cocktails from the waitresses roaming around (always tip). Roulette is the easiest of table games—just place your bet on what you think the little white ball will land on, like odd numbers, even numbers, red, black, or specific numbers (37:1 odds). You’ve got almost a 50/50 chance when playing odds, evens, reds, and blacks, so it’s pretty relaxed. Lastly, keno is designed to be played while you have a cocktail, watch TV, smoke a cigarette, or play other games. You pick some numbers on a grid, place your bet, then wait to see if your numbers come up. Think of it as a very small lottery.

Head to the right tables at the casino for better odds at winning

The next time you head to a casino, take this advice from a former casino floor manager, card…

Know the rules and learn basic strategies

If you’re nervous about playing a table game like blackjack, start with the easy stuff mentioned above and get a feel for placing bets. Then, when you’re ready, move on to the more complicated games. Before you sit at a high stakes table, though, take some time to learn the game first.

You can easily find gambling tutorials online, like this blackjack tutorial , or this craps tutorial . A quick google search will easily find you tons of how-to guides, as well as advanced strategies to increase your odds— sites like wizard of odds . If you don’t have time to research before you hit the floor, that’s okay too. Look for a low-stakes table with a small minimum bet, like a $5-per-hand blackjack table (depending on the casino and the night, $10 might be the lowest you can find).

Approach the table and tell the dealer that you’d like to play, but you don’t know how. They’ll gladly teach you, and might even show you how to play your cards right if you ask them. You see, dealers make a lot of their money through player tips, so it’s in their best interest for you to do well. They want you to win so you can give them money! It’s best to do this when the table is empty so you’re not slowing down play for others, but most people will be understanding or move to a different table.

Follow casino etiquette

While you play, it can only benefit you to be a positive, kind, and upstanding patron—even if you’re losing big time. Dealers will be nicer to you, cocktail waitresses will come around to your table more, and other players will appreciate it. I’ve had dealers give me advice on every hand to help me win, cocktail waitresses bring me doubles instead of single pours, and had a lot of great laughs with other players all because I wasn’t a jerk. If you can’t lose a little money and still be a decent person, don’t play.

Beyond that, there are a few basic casino rules you should follow:

  • Never sit at a table unless you’re going to play (no chilling and watching your buddy play).

  • And wait until the hand is over before you sit at a table.

  • Never take out your phone while sitting at a table. They will yell at you.

  • Don’t touch your bet once you’ve placed it and the hand/spin/etc. Has been dealt.

  • Only touch your cards with one hand.

  • Don’t touch your winnings until the dealer has counted them out in front of you and pushed them toward you.

  • Never stall the game to act like a hotshot (no blowing on dice, jumping around, or generally acting like you’re doing anything even remotely important).

  • Always tip your dealer regularly, either by handing them a chip and clearly saying “this is for you,” or by placing a bet for them. Never try to tip them cash, chips only.

  • Always tip your cocktail waitresses. I give them a $1-$5 chip every time they come around.

You still may not win any money if you follow these rules, but you won’t get in trouble and you’ll have a much better time.

How to win at A casino

With all due respect to the good people of thackerville, okla., I am not currently aware of any…

Know when to stop

Gambling can be addictive, so you need to take precautions and know when it’s time to quit. For example, free cocktails are great, but there’s a reason the casino is giving them to you. Don’t down too many and get reckless with your betting.

Also, never chase your losses. Thinking you can suddenly get lucky again and recoup your lost money is the “gambler’s fallacy.” you start to believe you are due for a big win, and that you can get all your money back if you just put some more money in. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. As soon you’re starting to have thoughts of “if I just play a little longer. ” stop immediately.

Lastly, avoid “gambler’s conceit,” which happens when you’re up, playing with winnings, or on a hot streak. You start to think, “maybe I should bet more since I’m doing so well,” and “sure, I could walk away with more than I started with, but maybe I should see this through. ” bad idea. Quit while you’re ahead. My personal rule is once I’m up 50% from what I started with, I take those chips and put them in my pocket not to be played with again. Then I play out whatever winnings I have left. If I continue to do well, I keep pocketing every 50% until my luck runs dry. With that setup, I’m always walking away with a little more than I started with—if I’m lucky.

Casino comps secrets: 5 steps to get them

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

I have been a professional advantage player of casino games for almost 20 years. And during this time I have gotten casinos to comp me suites, five stars gourmet meals, concert tickets and even flights to and from casino gaming cities like atlantic city and las vegas. A common question I get from novice players is how to get casinos to give you luxurious comps. It is pretty simple if you know how the system works. In this article I’ll tell you not only how the system works, but also how to exploit it so that you can get the maximum benefit from it. There are five steps to crushing the comp system, they are:

  1. Get a partner

  2. Make it look like you are betting more than you are

  3. Make it look like you are playing longer than you are

  4. Make it look like you are losing more than you are

  5. Make it look like you are a degenerate gambler

Even the most novice casino gambler knows that what a casino gives you in terms of comps is a direct result to how much you are betting, how much you are playing and how much you are losing. These are pretty straight forward steps. But how can we achieve these 5 stated objectives?

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.


The first step to maximizing your comps is to get a partner. A wife, a girlfriend or a friend each work well. You and your confederate will play games with offsetting bets.This means that when you win your partner loses and vice versa. This is easily done in games like roulette where one player can bet red and the other bets black or one can bet the 1-18 wager and the other bets the 19-36 bet. Similarly this can be done in craps where one player bets the pass line and the other bets the don’t pass line. This approach will minimize losses but won’t eliminate them completely. On average the offsetting roulette bet will be a wash 36 of 38 spins on a double zero wheel and 36 out of 37 times on a single zero wheel. For the offsetting bets in craps you will lose half of the total bets wagered 1 in 36 rolls. This occurs when snake eyes (two one’s) comes up on the come out roll. When this occurs, the pass line loses, and the don’t pass line is a wash.

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.


The second step is to make a the pit bosses who are in charge of rating your play think that you are betting more than you are. This is not as difficult as it sounds. Pit bosses are lazy and they all pretty much hate their lives so fooling them is straight forward. Generally pit bosses are pretty busy pretending they are actually doing something, but this is just a ruse. They often just watch the first 2 or 3 bets of your action and fill it in this as your average bet. They will then forget about you until you leave. To capitalize on this all you have to do is have you and your ally make bigger bets for your first 3 or 4 bets. If you plan on betting a nickel chip regularly bet a $25 chip at the start and if you plan on betting a green chip regularly bet a $100 at the start. The offsetting bets will occur greater than 97% of the time so your loss on these is roughly $3 for a 100 bet and $0.75 for the $25 initial wager. This is a small price to pay for the higher rating you will receive on your remaining wagers.

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.


The next step in maximizing your comp rating is to make it look like you are playing a lot more then you are. To create this illusion you play on days and at times when the casino is crowded. This is usually in the evening of a weekend or over a major holiday, but at the very minimum you should play in the evening after 7pm. Locate a crowded roulette or craps table where there is a lot of action on it where you and your partner can exchange cash for chips. You and your partner should work out who will be betting which color, section of numbers or pass and don’t pass line before hand. Each of you should be as far away from each other as possible as to minimize casino personal making a connection between the two of you. The crowded table serves two purposes, first it camouflages the player by just having them blend into the crowd, and it also allows the two players to wager every other bet or every third bet and not get noticed. To complete the deception you move your chips to various bets on the table and ultimately retract them from the felt prior to the dealer saying "no more bets" in roulette or before the shooter gets ready to roll the dice in craps. No one, especially the pit boss, will notice that you are not making any bets, but you still get credit for the bet from the perspective of the comp system.

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.


The fourth step to hacking a casinos comp system is to make it look like you are losing more than you are. This can be done in several different ways and ultimately works best when you combine the methods. First, complain excessively to other players when you lose. This draws the attention of the pit bosses, and because casinos are places of social interaction you will blend right in. Pit bosses will give of a glare of satisfaction because they know you are destined to lose. Next employ a technique called “rat holing chips.” this means you casually take chips from your stack and put them in your pocket, being careful not to draw attention to yourself in the process. This is done most effectively by palming chips and placing them into your pocket. When you “color up” your chips to signal you are leaving the table you will display to the pit boss an amount that is less than you actually have. This shows to the pit boss that you lost more than you actually did. You then can cash out all your chips at the cashier cage. This leads to the next point: you should “re-buy in” with cash every time you step up to play at a new table. This gives the illusion that you are continuously losing when you play.

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.


The final step to getting great comps from a casino is you have to make it look as if you are a degenerate gambler. This means going to your casino of choice with your partner 2 or 3 times a week. After you play for a while you will start receiving bonuses and free play vouchers in the mail. Depending on your level of play this can range anywhere from 10 dollars to 300 dollars. The best way to utilize these coupons is to use them in the higher denomination slot machines, mainly the $1 or 5$ slot machines. The high denomination machines have higher payback percentages then the lower denomination machines. To verify this you can go to the gaming board websites for the jurisdiction that you play in. They by law are required to list the payback percentages for each denomination machine. Also, these vouchers are treated just like cash by the comp system and because these machines are not subject to advantage play, those who play them are considered by the comp system and casino personal as pure gamblers. It also provides great cover for comp hustlers because according to the pit bosses advantage player’s do not play slots.


The methods here will cause you to hack the comp system and you will start accumulating some great comps, over time. The comp mailers are sent out approximately every month, so after this amount of time you will start receiving mailers for all sorts of goodies. If you live in town then you will get coupons for food, free play and show tickets. If you live out of town you will receive offers that include free nights at their resort and free play or match play. Every comp system is different but these are the expected perks. Some properties even offer a variety of house ware items for their local regulars. The possibilities are endless. If you are particularly anxious you can even track down a casino host and ask for a free meal and you will get it if you use these tactics. It’s important to understand that you will lose a little bit of money, but you will more than make it up in comps. If you and your partner lose100 dollars between the two of you in a month but each of you get 600 dollars in comps over that same time period, it more than makes up for the loss. The field of economics teaches us there is no such thing as a free lunch, but using these methods you will get very close.

How to play casino games with unibet

Casino guides

How to play casino games & slots

An online casino is an internet-based version of a traiditional casino, offering a range of casino and table games. The most popular, standard casino games offered by most gambling companies are:

The primary advantage of online casino games is that you can easily access them from your very own device, whenever and whenever you are. These guides serve as a basic introduction to the most popular online casino games available at unibet. Feel free to read in more depth and we invite you to go through our list of casino guides for additional tips and instructions.

Learn how to play slots

Online slots games have become increasingly popular, mainly because they’re easy to play and offer a variety of exciting features such as bonus games, free spins and huge jackpots. Slots typically consist of a set of spinning reels and symbols, each symbol having its respective payout. Online casino slot games may range from traditional fruit slots machines to movie-based, or even based around an original story created specifically for the game.

Before spinning the reels, you will need to decide on a stake which fits your budget and set your desired bet. If symbols land in a specific combination which matches the payline table, you will win money. What makes slots even more entertaining and enjoyable are the additional slots features and symbols, such as wilds, scatters and bonus rounds, which may award you even more spins and money!

Learn how to play roulette

If you’re thinking casinos, most probably an image of a roulette wheel comes to mind set in a glamorous casino. And rightly so, as roulette is one of the most popular casino table games. There are two main roulette layouts – the american table layout which comes with 00, 0 and 1 to 36, and the european table layout with numbers from 0 to 36. The main idea behind the game of roulette is to guess the number on which the ball in the wheel will land. To start off, you need to place a bet on a number, a combination of numbers, odd or even, or any other numbers up to 36. Once all bets are placed, the roulette wheel is spun and the number on which the small ball lands is the winning number.

Learn how to play blackjack

Blackjack is considered as one of the oldest table card games in the world of casino. Once you get the gist of the game, it is relatively simple to play. The aim of blackjack is to get a hand as close as possible to 21, without exceeding it. The game starts off by placing a bet. Cards are usually dealt in a rotation from left to right, starting from the dealer. The dealer’s hand will have a card facing up and another facing down. If your cards total to 21, or nearest, and is more than the dealer’s hand, you win!

Learn how to play live casino

Most online casinos offer live casino games, where you can play against other players real-time, whilst having a dealer leading the game and interacting with players. The beauty of live casino games is that you can still experience an authentic casino feel just by logging in from your desktop or mobile device. More often than not, most rules and objectives of the games are the same, whether you play in a live setting or not.

Do casinos control who wins on slots?

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

The first time I saw people use member cards for slot games, I didn’t know what they were. I asked the man sitting next to me and he explained a few details about the rewards club. But he wasn’t using a card himself.

When I asked him why, he said he once had a card but stopped winning when he played with the card. He thought the casino was monitoring his playing and adjusting the slot game results.

This rumor has circulated both online and offline for many years. It’s normal for people to hear something repeatedly and wonder if there is truth to it. But I’ve never found any proof that casinos can change the way slot games play by flipping a switch.

What makes it difficult to combat this idea and other rumors about slot machines is the many different markets where you find them. Slot machine games are regulated by each country. Complying with different regulations may mean that a slot maker must change how its games work.

The clearest example I can give is how slot games are decided in the united states. Class II slot games decide the outcome on the basis of one random number then configure the display to match that result. Class III games use several random numbers to control the reels.

How modern slot machine games work

There aren’t many physical slot games left. They’re all electronic now, and the electronic machines use random number generator chips to decide results.

But there is more involved than just generating a random number. The “slots” in the slot games are spaces on reels. The computers now simulate these reels.

Former and current slot machine manufacturing employees answer questions about game design on several websites including quora. This answer was posted in september 2014, and it explains how the simulated reels are managed by software.

The programs to simulate the reels and assign the random numbers are etched into roms, read-only memory chips. These roms must be physically changed by a technician to change how the game payout percentages work.

Legitimate online casino operators lease games from service providers

There are over 2,000 online casinos. It’s impossible to be sure about how they all manage their slot games. But what is known about the most popular casinos is that they don’t run their slot games from their own servers.

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

Instead the online casinos lease game services from secure data centers. These gaming platforms are run by companies like blue ocean and everymatrix. Some of the game design companies also run their own servers, leasing resources to online casinos.

Although it would be simple for online gaming companies to switch things up, they would risk losing independent certifications if they allowed the games to be rigged.

There’s no need for casinos to adjust the percentages. They can order the percentage breakouts for house edge and return to player that they want to offer. This way, they maintain competitiveness and support long-term profitability.

Many games publish the theoretical return to player

Some slot games include the theoretical return to player in their help screens.

If the players see that RTP has been adjusted downward, they can play elsewhere. If players only suspect that the RTP has been adjusted without proper notification, they might still leave.

Casinos need players. The best strategy to grow their customer base is to keep game rewards high enough to make the risk worthwhile.

Some governments regulate return to player percentages

Licensed gaming casinos must comply with local laws governing their businesses. Some countries provide more regulation than others.

In the united states, commercial land-based casinos are regulated by their states. However, native american casinos are mostly regulated by the tribal governments that own them. Each jurisdiction has the authority to set minimal RTP percentages to ensure the casinos don’t make too much money.

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

The 1988 indian gaming regulatory act creates the legal framework used by tribes to protect their traditional gaming activities from state regulatory laws. The act also defines the three classes of gaming and how they are to be regulated.

Class II games are regulated by the tribes but only in states that allow any kind of gaming. Only class III games are subject solely to state regulation.

True slot machine games are class III games. Native american casinos offer class II bingo games that are made to look like slot games. The game cabinets must display the casino bingo games that are used to determine wins.

Class II slot machines may have reels and bonus games but they’re not really slot machine games as defined by federal law.

How do you determine the odds that a slot game pays?

Casinos may or may not be required to declare the return to player for their slot games. Some casinos place a plate or sticker on their slot games with a notice. Other casinos leave it to the game help screens (thus, the manufacturers) to inform players.

The games’ odds may be reported as a theoretical RTP percentage, but they could also be reported as a ratio, similar to the way lottery games declare chances of winning a prize. Either way, these games don’t have to tell you how often to expect to win a prize of any amount.

Some players merely judge the looseness of slot games by how much money they win or how often they win as they play the games.

Some players judge the looseness of slot games by how popular they appear to be. This observational strategy assumes that the crowd knows more than the individual.

One of my friends tells me he only plays slot games with low jackpots. His reasoning is that players need to lose less money for someone to win $10,000 than for someone to win $20,000.

Slot machines may have programmed payout limits

In another post on quora from 2016, someone claimed to have industry experience in the caribbean.

In his post, he said that a machine won’t pay more than it has accumulated after the first month of operation. That first month establishes the limit based on the profit the machine made.

The system is designed to be random within a range of percentages. The software decides when and how much to pay but won’t go over the monthly limit.

It should be obvious that this limit could be reset.

The games are designed to be as random as possible

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

People who design and repair slot machine games express much trust in the random number generator chips these games use. The rngs, as they are called, use the latest available algorithms at the time they are manufactured.

Math has not yet progressed to the point where truly random numbers can be generated. Mechanical devices require input from an outside source to be truly random.

The way slot game designers handle this limitation is they design the chips to generate thousands of random numbers every second. The random numbers each take a turn at being available for use by the game.

Because of the percentage payouts and internal limits they use, slot machine games don’t have to be reprogrammed to improve casino profits. Everything is designed to run with as little intervention as possible.

And that is better for the casino because the more they can intervene in a game’s function, the more likely they’ll face regulation over that intervention.

Casino game techs often say that replacing chips in slot machines must follow a special procedure (in the united states). They are closely monitored and every part must be accounted for. So, it’s less expensive for casinos if they don’t tweak the games.


An honest casino doesn’t need to control who wins at a slot game. They already control who can play a slot game. They can ask anyone to leave for any reason.

Naturally, casinos don’t do that. Instead. They purchase gaming systems that are designed to create an entertaining experience for patrons while legally retaining a profitable percentage of wagers.

No matter how much one’s frustration tempts a player into wondering about big brother casino tweaking the game, it’s more profitable for the casino to let nature take its course.

Casino gambling for beginners

This section of our casino guide is aimed at complete beginners. We’ll help you get started if you have never played in a casino before, and we’ll try to make sure you enjoy yourself every step of the way. Even if you’re already familiar with how to play casino games, you’ll still probably find some of this information useful.

For starters, we’ve got a selection of articles covering the basics of casino gambling. These provide detailed information on topics such as the house edge and the different variations of specific games. We also provide advice on how to improve your chances of winning, along with a useful glossary of terms. You can find links to each of these articles below, with a brief description of each one.

Further down this page, you’ll find some important information you should know before getting started, along with a list of the dos and don’ts of casino gambling. There’s information on playing at online casinos, too, including details on a variety of popular games. And if you’re looking to play at an online casino right now we have also listed our top recommendations immediately below.


How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

18+ only, new customers only. To qualify for this offer, you must tick the box ‘I wish to receive the welcome bonus and accept the terms and conditions’ during the registration process. This offer is valid for 7 days from your new account being registered. To withdraw each bonus and any winnings associated with it, you need to wager an amount equal to fifty (50) times the applicable bonus granted.
Full terms apply

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

18+ only, new customers only. This bonus is available to a player only if deposit was made via 22BET website. A player can withdraw his/her real money balance and/or deposit at any time. The maximum bonus amount is 100% up to £ 250. The minimum required deposit is £ 10. The wagering requirement of this bonus is 39x and must be fulfilled only from the real money balance.
Full terms apply

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

18+ only, new customers only. Players need to wager the welcome bonus 40 times before they can withdraw the bonus or any winnings gained from it. All free spins from the new player welcome bonuses are valid for 72 hours upon activation, unless otherwise stated. The maximum withdrawal amount for a player from their free spins is £100.
Full terms apply

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

18+ only, new customers only. The new player welcome bonuses are only available to players who create an account and make their first deposit at genesis casino. New player welcome bonuses will only be offered on your first four (4) deposits, unless otherwise stated. Players need to wager the first four welcome bonuses 40 times before they can withdraw the bonus or any winnings gained from them.
Full terms apply

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

18+ only, new customers only. £10 minimum deposit. 40 x wagering applies. Bonus valid for 14 days. 10 spins on pre-selected games will be credited instantly + then 10 per day for 4 days. Free spins valid for 72 hours from credit.
Full terms apply

Casino gambling basics – articles for beginners

Before you start – information you NEED to know

Playing in a casino for the first time, whether live or online, can be a little overwhelming. There are so many games to choose from, so many different ways to bet, and so many other things to consider that it can almost seem overbearing.

You’ll discover that it’s not actually that difficult to get started. In general, the rules of the games are fairly easy to learn, and playing the games will come more naturally to you once you’ve played through them a few times. You can have a lot of fun, and you may even get lucky and win some money.

However, you shouldn’t start gambling in a casino before you understand exactly what’s involved. Let’s take a look at some key information you really need to know.

Casino games are games of chance

Casino games are considered games of chance because their outcomes are determined by random events. These events can be the turn of a card, the spin of a roulette wheel, or the roll of the dice. These are all things you have no control over, so essentially you have no control over whether you win or lose. You can influence your chances of winning in certain games, but the results are still ultimately unpredictable.

It’s very important that you recognize this fact because it’s the key aspect that makes casino games one of the riskier forms of gambling. Winning or losing mostly comes down to luck, and if luck isn’t on your side, then you are going to lose.

The house always wins

The casinos don’t need luck to win. They have a mathematical advantage in each and every game they offer, and this advantage will always put the odds against you as a player. Although the casino doesn’t win each and every bet, the mathematical advantage they have ensures that they will make a profit in the long run. It simply comes down to the laws of probability.

This fact is another reason why playing casino games is so risky. With the possible exception of counting cards in blackjack, which is hard to do, there’s absolutely nothing you can do to put the odds in your favor. The house is always going to have the advantage.

It’s not impossible to win

Despite the fact that the house always wins, it wouldn’t be fair to say that you are guaranteed to lose every single time you play, either. You are always more likely to lose than you are to win, but you must keep in mind that casino games are games of chance and therefore have unpredictable outcomes. Although this works against you, as you can’t control the results of the game, it’s also what makes it possible to win.

Because the outcome of a casino game is unpredictable, results will sometimes favor you over the house. The house may have the mathematical advantage, but as we already mentioned, this doesn’t mean they win every single bet. Their advantage is really only effective in the long term.

If you played a million hands of blackjack, then you would almost certainly lose more than half of them and end up losing money overall. If you played just a hundred hands, however, it’s perfectly possible that you could win significantly more than half of them and end up with a decent profit. This basic principle can be applied to every casino game.

This is essentially where the luck element of casino games plays its part. With a little luck and good fortune in the short term, there’s no reason why you can’t have a winning session at a casino.

Luck is not the only factor

Luck is definitely the biggest factor in determining whether you win or lose each time you play a game at the casino, but it’s not the only factor. There may be nothing you can do to overcome the house advantage, but there are a couple of things you can do to minimize the size of that advantage.

In certain games, the house only has a small house edge, so you could simply stick to playing those games. There are also games where you can directly affect the size of the advantage by playing the mathematically correct way. If you learn the right strategies for games such as blackjack, you can keep the house advantage to a minimum.

We want you to be aware of the above points, as we believe it’s important to know what casino gambling is all about before spending your money on it. It can be a lot of fun, but it’s vital that you understand the risks involved. You can lose money by playing casino games, and you probably will.

Losing money doesn’t have to be a problem, of course, as long as it’s money that you can afford to lose. Please bear in mind, though, that it’s possible to get carried away in a casino. The majority of players are able to enjoy themselves without any problem, but you need to recognize the fact that casino games can become addicting.

The best way to approach playing casino games is ultimately to view them as a form of entertainment with an associated cost. How much they cost is up to you to decide. If you responsibly manage your money, then you can definitely benefit from the excitement and enjoyment that these games have to offer.

Casino gambling isn’t for everyone, though, and we would never encourage you to start unless you are sure it’s something you want to try. You’ll need to come to that conclusion on your own. The only advice we can give is to make sure that you are fully aware of the pros and cons of casino gambling before making any final decisions. We’ve summarized these for you below.

    It can be a very enjoyable form of entertainment you don’t have to spend much money to have fun it is possible to win money with a bit of luck the rules of most games are easy to learn

    the house has a mathematical advantage you need luck on your side to win there isn’t much skill involved it is possible to become addicted

Dos and don’ts of casino gambling

If you do decide that casino gambling is for you, then there are a few rules you should try to follow. We have set out what we believe to be the most important of these rules below, in the form of a list of dos and don’ts. We strongly recommend that you take the necessary time to read through these and do your best to abide by them once you start playing.

This is a golden rule of casino gambling, or any form of gambling, for that matter. You should have a fixed amount of money you are prepared to lose, and limit yourself to only losing that amount. You should also make sure that you only ever risk money that you can afford to lose, and never borrowing money to play with is a good way to ensure this.

The rules of most casino games are generally incredibly simple or fairly straightforward, but there are a few games that have somewhat more complicated guidelines to follow. Regardless of whether the rules are simple or not, though, it’s very important that you fully understand them before playing any game. It’s hard enough to win casino games to begin with, and it becomes even more difficult when you don’t understand how to properly play them.

Most casino games are primarily based on luck, but there are a few games that involve some strategy, too. It’s a good idea to learn the best strategies to use where relevant, as this can help you minimize the house advantage. Strategy in casino games is usually as simple as remembering which decisions to make in certain situations, so it’s fairly easy to learn.

We strongly recommend that you assume you’re going to lose every time you play in the casino. There’s nothing wrong with hoping to win, of course, but you shouldn’t expect to. Losing is always the most likely outcome, so it helps to be prepared for it. You’ll be less likely to get upset when you do lose if you take this approach, and when you win, it will be a welcome surprise.

When you’re winning in a casino, it can be very tempting to continue riding your lucky streak. There’s always a possibility that your luck will turn around at some point, and you must be careful not to give back everything you’ve won. You’ll never know the perfect time to stop, but you need to make sure that you quit at a point when you’re still ahead. This is the only way you’ll ever have a winning session in a casino.

This is another golden rule that applies to any form of gambling. There are going to be times when you are losing money in the casino, and you should never try increasing your stakes in order to recover the money you’ve lost. Chasing your losses will result in even greater losses more often than not, and it can result in you spending more money than you should. Just accept that luck isn’t on your side, stick to your budget, and try again another time.

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a drink or two while at the casino, but it’s important that you don’t drink too much. Drinking will affect your judgment, and you really don’t want to start being reckless when playing casino games. A drunken gambler is rarely a successful gambler, so make sure you stay sober enough that you can focus on what you’re doing.

No matter what anyone tries to tell you, there’s no betting system that will help you beat the casino. The house advantage will always be there, regardless of anything you do. Some betting systems can be quite enjoyable if you use them sensibly, but you need to recognize that they won’t actually improve your overall chances of winning. Systems such as the martingale system, where you double your stakes every time you lose, have been tried by many gamblers without success. These systems can be very dangerous and can cause you to lose a lot of money very quickly.

This isn’t something you have to worry about when playing online, but it’s an important rule when playing in a live venue. There’s absolutely no excuse for being rude to a dealer just because you’re losing money, or for any reason at all, for that matter. It’s unacceptable behavior, and it could even lead to you being thrown out of the casino. Dealers are just there to do a job, and they have no control over whether you win or lose. You don’t have to tip them if you don’t want to, but it is respectful to do so.

Because casinos have a mathematical advantage, it’s in their best interest to encourage people to play. They usually do this by giving out incentives or rewarding players in some way. In a live casino, for example, they may give you “comps” such as a free meal or a free hotel room based on how often you play. At an online casino, you may be offered free chips for making a deposit. Whether you are playing live or online, you should always see what extra value you may be entitled to and try to take advantage of it.

We can’t promise that any of these rules will help you win money, but we are confident that you’ll have a better overall experience in the casino if you follow them.

Casino game rules and information

We mentioned earlier how important it is to know the rules of any casino game before you start playing, and we have just what you need to help you with that. Our casino game guide features the rules and other vital information on a wide selection of popular casino games. There’s even some strategy advice where relevant, too.

Playing casino games online

Most of the information and advice provided on this page, and in other articles in this section, is related to casino gambling in general. If you’re looking for help with playing casino games online, then we have you covered in that area as well.

In our “introduction to online casinos” section, you’ll find plenty of information and advice for using online casinos, including articles on each of the following topics.

  • Comparing online casinos to live casinos

  • Random number generators

  • Fairness and security at online casinos

  • Online casino software explained

  • Welcome bonuses at online casinos

  • Rewards and VIP schemes at online casinos

  • Choosing an online casino

  • Online casino FAQ

That’s not all we have to offer you, either. We have also ranked the top online casinos in a variety of different categories to make it as easy as possible for you to find the right casino. We’ve written reviews on all of our recommended casinos, too, so that you can find out exactly what each one has to offer before deciding where to join.

Why does the house always win? A look at casino profitability

In gambling, there's one certainty—one thing not left to chance: the house always comes out the winner in the end. A casino is a business, not a charitable organization throwing free money away. Like any other business, it has a business model in place designed to ensure its profitability.

Key takeaways

A casino has a number of built-in advantages that insure it, and not the players overall, will always come out a winner in the end.

  • These advantages, known as the "house edge," represent the average goss profit the casino expects to make from each game.

  • The longer you play, the greater the odds are that the result of your play will match up with the house edge—and that you will lose money.

  • The house edge varies significantly among the different casino games, with blackjack the lowest and keno the highest.

The house edge

No matter what game you choose to play, the odds of the casino winning your money are greater than the odds of you winning the casino's money. That's because all casino games are designed to provide the house with a built-in edge, diminishing the chances and the size of potential payouts.

For example, in roulette, the highest payout for a single number bet is 36 to 1. However, roulette wheels, besides having the numbers 1 to 36, also have a 0 and sometimes a 00 as well. The true odds of winning are 37 to 1 or 38 to 1, not the 36 to 1 that is the most the player can get paid on a winning bet.

The house edge, the odds advantage in its favor, represents the average gross profit the casino can reliably expect to make from each game. On the games with the lowest house edge, the smallest advantage, a casino might only be generating about a 1% to 2% profit. On other games, it may make profits of up to 15 %to 25% or more.

The house edge on a 00 roulette wheel is 5.26%. For every $1 million that's bet at the roulette tables in a casino, the management expects to pocket a profit of slightly more than $50,000. The other approximately $950,000 is returned to the bettors. The casino isn't aiming to bankrupt a player in one sitting – it just wants to make sure that in the long run, the players walk out with a little less money than they came in with, leaving money in the casino's pocket.

How players lose more than they expect

Many people who are aware of the house edge still don't really grasp its implications for their bankrolls. They believe that the roughly 5% edge the house has at the roulette table means that they can reasonably expect to sit down with $100, gamble for a few hours, and the odds are that they will only lose about $5. They fail to understand that the house edge doesn't apply to their starting bankroll, but to the total amount they wager.

For example, assume a person is making $5 bets on every spin of the roulette wheel, and the wheel spins 50 times an hour. While he may be winning some bets and losing some bets, he is wagering $250 an hour. If the house edge plays out perfectly, at the end of four hours of play, he loses $50, or 5% of $1,000—an amount 10 times greater than what he had expected from his misunderstanding of the house edge.

The extra house edge

The longer you play, the greater the odds are that the result of your play will match up with the house edge. In the short term, a player may well be ahead; over the long haul, the house edge will eventually grind the player down into unprofitability.

Knowing this, casinos do all they can to keep you playing longer. Casinos are famous for lacking clocks and windows. They're designed that way to keep players unaware of the passage of time. Many first-time players are pleasantly surprised at being offered free drinks by the management. Those complimentary libations will cost you, though: being inebriated doesn't usually improve their judgment when it comes to betting.

The best and worst casino games

Although all the laws of probability are in the casino's favor, the house edge varies significantly among the different casino games. The game with the lowest advantage to the casino is blackjack; if a player follows a perfect betting strategy, the house edge is only 0.5%. At some very liberal casinos, the house edge at blackjack may even be as low as 0.28%. Craps offers the next lowest edge, 0.8%, followed by baccarat with a 1.06% house advantage.

The smallest edge only applies if the player is playing the odds perfectly, which few people do. The house edge increases as players wager less expertly. Roulette remains one of the most popular casino games, but it carries a high 5.26% edge for the house. The house edge on slot machines goes as high as 17%; for keno, it is a massive 25%.

Casino gambling for beginners

This section of our casino guide is aimed at complete beginners. We’ll help you get started if you have never played in a casino before, and we’ll try to make sure you enjoy yourself every step of the way. Even if you’re already familiar with how to play casino games, you’ll still probably find some of this information useful.

For starters, we’ve got a selection of articles covering the basics of casino gambling. These provide detailed information on topics such as the house edge and the different variations of specific games. We also provide advice on how to improve your chances of winning, along with a useful glossary of terms. You can find links to each of these articles below, with a brief description of each one.

Further down this page, you’ll find some important information you should know before getting started, along with a list of the dos and don’ts of casino gambling. There’s information on playing at online casinos, too, including details on a variety of popular games. And if you’re looking to play at an online casino right now we have also listed our top recommendations immediately below.

Rank GB online casino exclusive bonus get started

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

18+ only, new customers only. To qualify for this offer, you must tick the box ‘I wish to receive the welcome bonus and accept the terms and conditions’ during the registration process. This offer is valid for 7 days from your new account being registered. To withdraw each bonus and any winnings associated with it, you need to wager an amount equal to fifty (50) times the applicable bonus granted.
Full terms apply

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

18+ only, new customers only. This bonus is available to a player only if deposit was made via 22BET website. A player can withdraw his/her real money balance and/or deposit at any time. The maximum bonus amount is 100% up to £ 250. The minimum required deposit is £ 10. The wagering requirement of this bonus is 39x and must be fulfilled only from the real money balance.
Full terms apply

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

18+ only, new customers only. Players need to wager the welcome bonus 40 times before they can withdraw the bonus or any winnings gained from it. All free spins from the new player welcome bonuses are valid for 72 hours upon activation, unless otherwise stated. The maximum withdrawal amount for a player from their free spins is £100.
Full terms apply

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

18+ only, new customers only. The new player welcome bonuses are only available to players who create an account and make their first deposit at genesis casino. New player welcome bonuses will only be offered on your first four (4) deposits, unless otherwise stated. Players need to wager the first four welcome bonuses 40 times before they can withdraw the bonus or any winnings gained from them.
Full terms apply

How Casinos Work, how does casino games.

18+ only, new customers only. £10 minimum deposit. 40 x wagering applies. Bonus valid for 14 days. 10 spins on pre-selected games will be credited instantly + then 10 per day for 4 days. Free spins valid for 72 hours from credit.
Full terms apply

Casino gambling basics – articles for beginners

Before you start – information you NEED to know

Playing in a casino for the first time, whether live or online, can be a little overwhelming. There are so many games to choose from, so many different ways to bet, and so many other things to consider that it can almost seem overbearing.

You’ll discover that it’s not actually that difficult to get started. In general, the rules of the games are fairly easy to learn, and playing the games will come more naturally to you once you’ve played through them a few times. You can have a lot of fun, and you may even get lucky and win some money.

However, you shouldn’t start gambling in a casino before you understand exactly what’s involved. Let’s take a look at some key information you really need to know.

Casino games are games of chance

Casino games are considered games of chance because their outcomes are determined by random events. These events can be the turn of a card, the spin of a roulette wheel, or the roll of the dice. These are all things you have no control over, so essentially you have no control over whether you win or lose. You can influence your chances of winning in certain games, but the results are still ultimately unpredictable.

It’s very important that you recognize this fact because it’s the key aspect that makes casino games one of the riskier forms of gambling. Winning or losing mostly comes down to luck, and if luck isn’t on your side, then you are going to lose.

The house always wins

The casinos don’t need luck to win. They have a mathematical advantage in each and every game they offer, and this advantage will always put the odds against you as a player. Although the casino doesn’t win each and every bet, the mathematical advantage they have ensures that they will make a profit in the long run. It simply comes down to the laws of probability.

This fact is another reason why playing casino games is so risky. With the possible exception of counting cards in blackjack, which is hard to do, there’s absolutely nothing you can do to put the odds in your favor. The house is always going to have the advantage.

It’s not impossible to win

Despite the fact that the house always wins, it wouldn’t be fair to say that you are guaranteed to lose every single time you play, either. You are always more likely to lose than you are to win, but you must keep in mind that casino games are games of chance and therefore have unpredictable outcomes. Although this works against you, as you can’t control the results of the game, it’s also what makes it possible to win.

Because the outcome of a casino game is unpredictable, results will sometimes favor you over the house. The house may have the mathematical advantage, but as we already mentioned, this doesn’t mean they win every single bet. Their advantage is really only effective in the long term.

If you played a million hands of blackjack, then you would almost certainly lose more than half of them and end up losing money overall. If you played just a hundred hands, however, it’s perfectly possible that you could win significantly more than half of them and end up with a decent profit. This basic principle can be applied to every casino game.

This is essentially where the luck element of casino games plays its part. With a little luck and good fortune in the short term, there’s no reason why you can’t have a winning session at a casino.

Luck is not the only factor

Luck is definitely the biggest factor in determining whether you win or lose each time you play a game at the casino, but it’s not the only factor. There may be nothing you can do to overcome the house advantage, but there are a couple of things you can do to minimize the size of that advantage.

In certain games, the house only has a small house edge, so you could simply stick to playing those games. There are also games where you can directly affect the size of the advantage by playing the mathematically correct way. If you learn the right strategies for games such as blackjack, you can keep the house advantage to a minimum.

We want you to be aware of the above points, as we believe it’s important to know what casino gambling is all about before spending your money on it. It can be a lot of fun, but it’s vital that you understand the risks involved. You can lose money by playing casino games, and you probably will.

Losing money doesn’t have to be a problem, of course, as long as it’s money that you can afford to lose. Please bear in mind, though, that it’s possible to get carried away in a casino. The majority of players are able to enjoy themselves without any problem, but you need to recognize the fact that casino games can become addicting.

The best way to approach playing casino games is ultimately to view them as a form of entertainment with an associated cost. How much they cost is up to you to decide. If you responsibly manage your money, then you can definitely benefit from the excitement and enjoyment that these games have to offer.

Casino gambling isn’t for everyone, though, and we would never encourage you to start unless you are sure it’s something you want to try. You’ll need to come to that conclusion on your own. The only advice we can give is to make sure that you are fully aware of the pros and cons of casino gambling before making any final decisions. We’ve summarized these for you below.

    It can be a very enjoyable form of entertainment you don’t have to spend much money to have fun it is possible to win money with a bit of luck the rules of most games are easy to learn

    the house has a mathematical advantage you need luck on your side to win there isn’t much skill involved it is possible to become addicted

Dos and don’ts of casino gambling

If you do decide that casino gambling is for you, then there are a few rules you should try to follow. We have set out what we believe to be the most important of these rules below, in the form of a list of dos and don’ts. We strongly recommend that you take the necessary time to read through these and do your best to abide by them once you start playing.

This is a golden rule of casino gambling, or any form of gambling, for that matter. You should have a fixed amount of money you are prepared to lose, and limit yourself to only losing that amount. You should also make sure that you only ever risk money that you can afford to lose, and never borrowing money to play with is a good way to ensure this.

The rules of most casino games are generally incredibly simple or fairly straightforward, but there are a few games that have somewhat more complicated guidelines to follow. Regardless of whether the rules are simple or not, though, it’s very important that you fully understand them before playing any game. It’s hard enough to win casino games to begin with, and it becomes even more difficult when you don’t understand how to properly play them.

Most casino games are primarily based on luck, but there are a few games that involve some strategy, too. It’s a good idea to learn the best strategies to use where relevant, as this can help you minimize the house advantage. Strategy in casino games is usually as simple as remembering which decisions to make in certain situations, so it’s fairly easy to learn.

We strongly recommend that you assume you’re going to lose every time you play in the casino. There’s nothing wrong with hoping to win, of course, but you shouldn’t expect to. Losing is always the most likely outcome, so it helps to be prepared for it. You’ll be less likely to get upset when you do lose if you take this approach, and when you win, it will be a welcome surprise.

When you’re winning in a casino, it can be very tempting to continue riding your lucky streak. There’s always a possibility that your luck will turn around at some point, and you must be careful not to give back everything you’ve won. You’ll never know the perfect time to stop, but you need to make sure that you quit at a point when you’re still ahead. This is the only way you’ll ever have a winning session in a casino.

This is another golden rule that applies to any form of gambling. There are going to be times when you are losing money in the casino, and you should never try increasing your stakes in order to recover the money you’ve lost. Chasing your losses will result in even greater losses more often than not, and it can result in you spending more money than you should. Just accept that luck isn’t on your side, stick to your budget, and try again another time.

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a drink or two while at the casino, but it’s important that you don’t drink too much. Drinking will affect your judgment, and you really don’t want to start being reckless when playing casino games. A drunken gambler is rarely a successful gambler, so make sure you stay sober enough that you can focus on what you’re doing.

No matter what anyone tries to tell you, there’s no betting system that will help you beat the casino. The house advantage will always be there, regardless of anything you do. Some betting systems can be quite enjoyable if you use them sensibly, but you need to recognize that they won’t actually improve your overall chances of winning. Systems such as the martingale system, where you double your stakes every time you lose, have been tried by many gamblers without success. These systems can be very dangerous and can cause you to lose a lot of money very quickly.

This isn’t something you have to worry about when playing online, but it’s an important rule when playing in a live venue. There’s absolutely no excuse for being rude to a dealer just because you’re losing money, or for any reason at all, for that matter. It’s unacceptable behavior, and it could even lead to you being thrown out of the casino. Dealers are just there to do a job, and they have no control over whether you win or lose. You don’t have to tip them if you don’t want to, but it is respectful to do so.

Because casinos have a mathematical advantage, it’s in their best interest to encourage people to play. They usually do this by giving out incentives or rewarding players in some way. In a live casino, for example, they may give you “comps” such as a free meal or a free hotel room based on how often you play. At an online casino, you may be offered free chips for making a deposit. Whether you are playing live or online, you should always see what extra value you may be entitled to and try to take advantage of it.

We can’t promise that any of these rules will help you win money, but we are confident that you’ll have a better overall experience in the casino if you follow them.

Casino game rules and information

We mentioned earlier how important it is to know the rules of any casino game before you start playing, and we have just what you need to help you with that. Our casino game guide features the rules and other vital information on a wide selection of popular casino games. There’s even some strategy advice where relevant, too.

Playing casino games online

Most of the information and advice provided on this page, and in other articles in this section, is related to casino gambling in general. If you’re looking for help with playing casino games online, then we have you covered in that area as well.

In our “introduction to online casinos” section, you’ll find plenty of information and advice for using online casinos, including articles on each of the following topics.

  • Comparing online casinos to live casinos

  • Random number generators

  • Fairness and security at online casinos

  • Online casino software explained

  • Welcome bonuses at online casinos

  • Rewards and VIP schemes at online casinos

  • Choosing an online casino

  • Online casino FAQ

That’s not all we have to offer you, either. We have also ranked the top online casinos in a variety of different categories to make it as easy as possible for you to find the right casino. We’ve written reviews on all of our recommended casinos, too, so that you can find out exactly what each one has to offer before deciding where to join.

So, let's see, what we have: casinos bring in billions of dollars in revenue each year. Learn about casinos and find out how security keeps casinos safe and fair. At how does casino games

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