Tuesday, February 6, 2018

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Klientu apkalpošanas centra darba laiks un kvalitāte

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Kazino vietne ir uzņēmuma pirmais iespaids. Bieži vien spēlētāji pamet vietni, ja viņiem nepatīk dizains, izvēlnes izvietojums, ir arī gadījumi, kad spēlētājs nevar atrast reģistrācijas formu. Mēs piekrītam, ka nav neviens cilvēks, kuru apmierinās bremzējoša vietne, kura ilgi ielādē galveno lapu vai pēc lapas atjaunošanas izmet kārtējo tehnisko kļūdu. Atceraties, ka labam kazino vienmēr būs dārga un labi pārdomāta vietne, kur tiks izvietots produkts, jo, kā jau minēts iepriekš, pati platforma ir tiešsaistes kazino vizītkarte. No otras puses, jauni kazino ir ar ļoti nelielu budžetu, kurš bieži piespiedu kārtā liek ietaupīt tieši saskarnes dizainā. Šajā gadījumā ir neobjektīvi vērtēt uzņēmuma drošību balstoties tikai uz šo kritēriju.

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About latvia gaming

Gambling in latvia is relatively new compared to other countries. After gaining their independence in 1990 when the USSR collapsed, latvia began to offer legitimate gambling venues. Of course, we use the word legitimate loosely in this case due to the chaotic way casinos were regulated.

In the early days of gambling in latvia, casinos seemed to pop up almost overnight. With no governing body in place, small companies were considered the regulating bodies at the time. Basically, making sure a casino was providing a quality, and safe place to gamble, was left up to the owners of the casino. Obviously, this was a method of regulation that would not work in the long run.

In 1998, the latvia government created the first part of their gambling regulatory body called the lotteries and gambling supervision inspection of the republic of latvia. For the first time in 7 years, latvia finally had a recognized governing body that would ensure players had a safe place to play.

Latvia continues its progressive stance on safe gambling and complies with all european union standards.

Casinos in latvia

What once was a cluster of small casinos in the early 1990s, has morphed into a thriving collection of major brands that spread across all of latvia. In total, latvia has over 100 casinos in all major cities. Riga is by far the most populous when it comes to both people, and number of casinos.

When compared to other cities in latvia, riga has more casinos than all other places combined with over 50 casinos. Daugavpils contains the second most casinos with just 8.

Latvia is not unlike estonia and lithuania, and even has some of the same branded casinos.

Olympic - the olymic group is the largest casino brand in europe with close to 50 casinos in latvia, lithuania and estonia. Their promary focus is providing slot parlors in major cities with an emphasis on being player friendly. A few, select casinos will be full-service casinos with table games and poker.

Fenikss - fenikss is its own brand, but also owned by the olympic group. Fenikss casinos are much the same as their parent casinos in that their primary focus is providing slot parlors in a patron friendly environment.

Admiral - admiral casinos are a smaller group of casinos located throughout latvia. Almost all admiral casinos are slot halls with a small bar and relaxing area that gives them a cozy atmosphere.

Olympic is the dominant force when it comes to gambling in latvia, as well as surrounding baltic countries. Most casinos will be from a major brand such as olympic, fenikss, admiral and a few other licensed companies operating throughout latvia.

And while the majority of these casinos will be primarily slot halls, you will find some large resorts, and full service casinos.

Gambling in latvia

Since the majority of casinos in latvia are slot halls, it’s obvious that slots dominate square footage in most casinos. That doesn’t mean you can’t play other gambling games in latvia.

Even slot halls will usually have a few other electronic games for play. Video poker, electronic roulette, and electronic bingo will be the most prevalent. In the larger casinos, you will find table games, and even poker. All of the popular table games like blackjack, and roulette will usually be at the larger casinos. With a few having localized games such as russian poker and other games.

Poker in latvia

Latvia does have poker, but it is very limited with about 3 tables in total throughout the entire country. Olympic casino is the main place to play poker in latvia. Some small tournaments, and cash games will be your only option for poker.

Other gambling games in latvia

A few casinos will specialize in bingo only, and possibly have a few slots in their parlors. Sports betting is commonly found as well, but not as much as in other countries that have similar brands. Lotteries are also available for play and regulated by the same government organization.

Latvia gambling summary

Latvia is still growing its gambling economy, and doing quite well at creating a stable market. The addition of large brands has helped build a solid foundation that reap benefits for years to come. More table games, and poker would be a welcome addition, but casinos are going where the moneys at, and right now that money is in slots and bingo. Europeans love their slots and bingo, and it only makes sense to focus on that market while its hot.

You can expect more casinos, and more hotels with casinos in the future. We have already seen a few of these built that are getting rave reviews and rank right up there with some of the best there is. The radisson is one of the best in the area and should be a must visit if you are ever in latvia.

Latvia casinos and gambling facts

Latvia is a country in eastern europe with legal gambling. There are 32 cities with gambling facilities in latvia which have 123 legal gambling facilities available in total.

The types of gambling available in latvia are: casinos, sportsbetting parlours.

The largest gambling city in latvia is riga with 39 gambling facilities, 64 tables games, 773 gaming, slot, and video poker machines.
The largest casino in the entire country of latvia is olympic voodoo casino which is located in riga. Olympic voodoo casino has 16 table games, 3 poker tables, 95 gaming and video poker machines.

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Online kazino latvija

Neskatoties uz to, ka dažas no kaimiņvalstīm, kuras skar azartspēles, ir stingri un mēreni stingri, latvija ir spilgta kazino spēlētāju ceremonija šajā reģionā. Visi azartspēļu veidi valstī ir likumīgi un kopš 2017. Gada sākuma. Protams, valsts nav tik plaši atvērta kā daži citi elastīgāki tiešsaistes kazino tirgi, taču tas ir tālāk par savām kaimiņvalstīm attiecībā uz to, ko jūs varat vai nevar spēlēt azartspēles latvijā.

Azartspēļu likumi latvijā

Kopš 1990. Gada valsts kļuvusi neatkarīga, azartspēles ir bijis aktīva latvijas sabiedrības daļa. Pati pirmā kazino tika reģistrēta 1991. Gadā, un tam sekoja daudz citu kazino. Paredzams, ka 90.Gadu beigās pilsētiņā atnāca tiešsaistes kazino azartspēles, latvija gribēja legalizēt un regulēt tirgu. Tas notika 2003. Gadā ar izložu un azartspēļu uzraudzības inspekciju, kas kontrolē regulējumu.

Lai gan loterijās, kazino un visos zemes azartspēļu veidos latvijā ir likumīgi, tiešsaistes kazino azartspēļu nozarē ir nedaudz ierobežota. Tomēr nederiet pārpratumus; jums joprojām ir lieliska iespēja spēlēt tiešsaistē tiešsaistē, lai gan jums ir jāizmanto oficiālās latvijas licencētās tīmekļa vietnes. Kopš 2011. Gada latvijas iestādes ir mēģinājušas samazināt ārzemju kazino skaitu, kas ir pieejams latvijas spēlētājiem. IP adreses joslas ir zināmā mērā uzlabojušās, un tam ir samazinājies arī vecuma ierobežojuma paaugstināšana no 18 līdz 21 gadiem. Tomēr trasta VPN vajadzētu būt iespējai apiet lielāko daļu no azartspēļu iestāžu azartspēļu azartspēļu aģentūru blokādēm ārzonu kazino.

Labākie tiešsaistes kazino latvijā

Salīdzini labākos online kazino Latvijā, casino online latvia.

Tiešsaistes kazino un ārzonas kazino latvijā

Pašlaik latvijā darbojas 6 lielākie, latvijā licencēti tiešsaistes kazino. Tie ir pilnīgi likumīgi spēlēt, un tie piedāvā plašu spēļu spektru latviešiem spēlēt, tostarp pokeru, dzīvo tirgotāju, sporta derības un, protams, tiešsaistes kazino spēles. Šīs tiešsaistes kazino ir pieejamas tikai spēlētājiem latvijā, šādu vietņu valoda ir latviešu (un angļu valodā), un spēlētājiem jāizmanto euro valūtas izvēle.

Ir vērts atzīmēt, ka spēlētāji latvijā var piekļūt arī ārzonas kazino, izmantojot VPN tīklus, taču šos ārzonas kazino ir galvenokārt aizliegti valstī, lai gan par to nav reālu sodu. Ārzonas kazino latvijā ietver tās, kas atrodas ārpus valsts, un bieži licencētas ārpus maltas, kirasao, apvienotās karalistes vai gibraltāras. Viņi var piedāvāt latviešu valodu un pieņemt spēlētājus no latvijas.

Par azartspēlēm latvijā

Ja jūs gatavojaties spēlēt ārzonas kazino latvijā, mēs iesakām būt piesardzīgiem. Ne tāpēc, ka ir spēkā latvijas azartspēļu likumi, bet gan tāpēc, ka ir viegli iesaistīties azartspēlēs neuzticams, melnajā sarakstā iekļautajā vai negodīgā kazino, ja jūs nezināt, ko meklējat. Latvijas ārzonu kazino spēlētājiem vienmēr būtu jāuztraucas par tiem.

Šķiet, ka latviešiem, kuri spēlē ārzonu kazino, nav reālu problēmu. Protams, saskaņā ar likumiem jūs nevarat, un latvijas azartspēļu iestādes iziet no sava ceļa, lai mēģinātu to apturēt, taču, kā jau teicām, uzticamam VPN (virtuālais privātais tīkls) maskē jūsu atrašanās vietu, atverot tos vietnes, kas atrodas līdz jums. Neviens spēlētājs latvijā nav sodīts par spēli pie ārzonas kazino, tāpēc tev nav maz risku.

Tomēr, kopā 6 oficiāli licencētiem kazino, kas spēj piedāvāt jums vislabākās spēles un gandrīz visas lielākās derību žanras, jums patiešām nevajadzēs spēlēt offshore kazino vietā. Kā mēs teicām, latvijā ir jūdzes tālāk par saviem kaimiņiem, tādēļ oficiāli licencētā latvijas azartspēļu nozare būtu jāuzslavē, nevis jānovērš ārzonu kazino.

Salīdzini labākos online kazino Latvijā, casino online latvia.

Online casino latvia

Despite some of its neighbouring countries taking a harsh to moderate stance on gambling, latvia is a shining beacon of hope for casino players in the region. All forms of gambling in the country are legal and have been since early 2017. Of course, the country is not as wide open as some other more flexible online casino markets, but it is miles ahead of its neighbours in terms of what you can or cannot do when gambling in latvia.

Gambling laws in latvia

Ever since the country became independent in 1990, gambling has been an active part of latvian society. The very first casino was registered in 1991, and plenty of other casinos followed suit. Predictably, when online casino gambling came to town in the late 90s, latvia was eager to legalise and regulate the market. This happened in 2003 with the izložu un azartspēļu uzraudzības inspekcija (lotteries and gambling supervision inspection of latvia) taking control of regulation.

Whilst lotteries, casinos and all forms of land-based gambling are legal in latvia, the online casino gambling sector is somewhat restricted. Don’t misunderstand, though; you are still perfectly allowed to gamble online in the country, although you must use official latvian licensed websites. Since 2011, latvian authorities have tried to cut down on the number of offshore casinos being accessible to latvian players. IP address bands have worked to some degree, and the raising of the age limit from 18 to 21 has also helped cut down on this. However, a trust VPN should be able to bypass most of the latvian gambling authorities’ blockades on offshore casinos.

Online casinos and offshore casinos in latvia

There are currently 6 major, latvian licensed online casinos in operation in the country. These are totally legal to play at, and they offer a wide range of games for latvians to play, including poker, live dealer, sports betting and of course, online casino games. These online casinos are only open to players in latvia, the language of such sites is latvian (and english on occasion) and players must use the euro currency option.

It is worth pointing out that players in latvia can also access offshore casinos via VPN networks, these offshore casinos are mainly banned in the country, although there are no real punishments for doing so. Offshore casinos in latvia include those based outside of the country, and often licensed out of malta, curacao, the united kingdom or gibraltar. They may offer latvian languages and accept players from latvia, too.

About gambling in latvia

If you are going to be playing at offshore casinos in latvia, we advise you to be cautious. Not because of the latvian gambling laws, but because it is rather easy to get yourself involved in gambling at an untrustworthy, blacklisted or rogue casino if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Players at latvian offshore casinos should always have their wits about them.

There doesn’t appear to be any real problem for latvians playing at offshore casinos. Sure, the laws say you can’t, and latvian gambling authorities go out of their way to try and stop you from doing so, but as we’ve said, a trusty VPN (virtual private network) should mask your location, opening those websites up to you. No player in latvia has been punished for playing at offshore casinos, so there is little to no risk on your side in doing so.

However, with a total of 6 officially licensed casinos able to offer you top games and virtually all the major betting genres, you shouldn’t really need to play at an offshore casino site. Latvia is miles ahead of its neighbours as we’ve said, so the officially licensed latvian gambling industry should be praised, rather than avoided for offshore casinos.

Casino online latvia

See our complete line-up of gambling properties in our online gambling sites page

Online casinos in latvia

Similarly to many countries in the eastern bloc, there was no legal gambling in latvia for 45 years, apart from the state lottery. But as soon as the country gained its independence, latvia became one of the first countries to host a land-based casino. Online casino news sites in latvia report that the first establishment of the kind was registered in the summer of 1991.

However, the market was still unregulated, which led to an increase of illegal gambling facilities. Therefore, the government started legalizing gambling by the mid-1990s so that it could fight money laundering. And as of august 2019, there are 5 brick and mortar casinos. It is possible to access online casino sites in latvia .

Are online casinos legal in latvia? Yes.
Are casino sites in latvia trustworthy? Yes.
Can I deposit via paysafecard/luminor/skrill? Yes.
Do online casino sites accept EUR? Yes.

Online casino laws in latvia

According to the gambling and lotteries law , operators can apply for a license under specific requirements by the lotteries and gambling supervision inspections of latvia (izložu un azartspēļu uzraudzības inspekcija).

There are a few licensed operators already, though gamblers still seek alternatives within the international market, as they offer more games, as well as better online casino bonuses and online casino promotions . And despite the fact that the authorities actively block isps of gambling websites, there are still ways through which they can access offshore online casino sites .

Online casino payment methods in latvia

There are several payment methods available when depositing and withdrawing winnings. Of course, every money transaction must be fully transparent so that operators can keep running safe platforms. Accordingly, the credit and debit cards of VISA and mastercard are usually accepted, but there are also alternatives that are as efficient. These include skrill, neteller, paypal, paysafecard or luminor. More information is available on the online casino reviews directory .

Online casino sites accepting EUR

Gambling is a very popular activity in latvia. And, despite the small population, the licensing system has allowed the establishment of a strong industry. As a result, gamblers can play in several online casino sites accepting EUR .

Online casino latvia

Latvia is home to lots of beautiful forests, fascinating castles, and picturesque villages. The baltic country also has a regulated gambling industry that includes multiple land-based casinos. The lotteries and gambling supervisory inspection (IAUI) is the governing body. Online gambling is also legal, but only at gaming sites licensed by latvian authorities. The government of latvia aims to change the current online gambling legislation, which will be unfavorable for unlicensed gaming sites. However, banning sites is an extremely difficult job due to the open nature of the internet.

Best latvian online casinos

Salīdzini labākos online kazino Latvijā, casino online latvia.

For now, gamblers based in latvia can enjoy licensed online casino platforms, while many unlicensed sites are also available. That obviously means that latvians have plenty of virtual casinos to choose from.
Latvian is the country’s official language, but a vast majority of the population also speaks russian. That comes in handy considering the fact that lots of online casinos are presented in russian. Latvians may want to consider the following reputable gaming sites:

Popularity online casinos in latvia explained

The latvian GDP enjoyed an average growth of 1.10 percent in the period 1995 – 2015. In the last three months of 2015, the open economy contracted by approximately 0.1 percent, after a 0.9 percent expansion in the third quarter. Latvia’s GDP per capita accelerated to $22,460.44 in 2014. The central statistical bureau of latvia expects a 3.0 percent growth this year.
Eight of ten people in latvia are internet users, which is a testament to the country’s strong development. The use of tablet computers and smartphones is on the rise in latvia, and an increasing number of gamblers enjoy their favorite online casino games on the go.

Gambling and online casinos in latvia

The exciting world of online gambling is definitely a popular leisure activity among latvians. Ever wondered what the big deal is about online casinos? These are some of many reasons behind the success story of online gambling:

  • Staggering payouts, including multimillion jackpots

  • Spectacular promotions that add a cool dimension to virtual gambling

  • Generous bonuses, such as deposit bonuses

  • A huge repertoire of popular table games, slot titles, sports betting, etc.

  • The ability to gamble on the go thanks to mobile casinos

  • Live online gambling, which combines the best of both worlds

How to deposit money in an online casino when I’m from latvia?

Salīdzini labākos online kazino Latvijā, casino online latvia.
Most online casino games come with the free-play mode, which is another benefit of virtual gambling in comparison to the land-based equivalent. Online casinos are also equipped with a whole host of trustworthy deposit systems. The majority of those payment methods falls under these two categories:

  • Credit cards, including the market leaders visa, mastercard and maestro

  • E-wallets, like neteller and skrill

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Casino online latvia

If you are new to online gambling, the choices of online casinos may seem overwhelming. That is because they truly are overwhelming. There are dozens of latvian-licensed online casinos, and hundreds of foreign gambling sites. So, how do you know which one is best for you?

The answer is, you don’t have to. We will do all the hard work, so that you can focus on playing. Our casino reviews go through each aspect of a casino in detailed fashion. There is nothing that escapes our eyes, which is why we only feature trusted and verified brands that will treat you well.

Nonetheless, we will give you a small walkthrough through our review process. Have a look at the most important factors that determine a casino’s quality, and how the average latvian casino performs in each area.

Security of latvia online casinos

Latvian casino gamers should have absolutely no concerns when it comes to security. As online casinos are completely legal in the country, and they can obtain a license from the government – these operators cannot risk mistreating players. If they do so, they risk ridiculously high monetary punishments, and removal of their license. What’s more, popular latvian casino brands such as olympic have a long-standing history in the baltic region. They operate dozens of respected land casinos and have an untarnished reputation in online gaming as well.

If you are playing at a foreign online casino, make sure to look for sites licensed by the UK gambling commission, curacao egaming authority or malta gaming authority. These regulatory boards are the most respected on the market, and they hold casinos to strict standards of fair play and security.

Language at latvian online casinos

All online casinos that bear a license issued by the government of latvia will be available in the country’s native language. They can be accessed via .Lv domains, have the EUR as a currency, and offer localized customer support.

Playing at foreign websites in english is also possible, and many casinos accept latvian players and EUR deposits and withdrawals.

Customer support at latvian online casinos

Customer support is an essential piece to the online casino puzzle. If players don’t have access to immediate customer service, then things can get complicated. Since the online gaming market is overflowing with competition, operators fight tooth and nail to retain customers.

This is why you can expect live chat customer support as a bare minimum. Telephone support is also available at some operators, but the efficiency of live chat makes phone support redundant. All latvian online casinos are also obliged to take in player queries via email support.

Gaming selection at latvian casinos

The latvian gaming market is pretty closed off, but operators who serve this baltic state are partnered with leading casino gaming suppliers in the likes of netent, microgaming and betsoft.

These providers are known for staying ahead of the curve in the igaming industry. They offer the best, most innovative games in all categories. You can expect eye-candy, but also excellent winning potential.

You will never have to compromise quality for quantity either. The average online casino in latvia has hundreds, if not thousands of top-quality games to choose from.

Slot machines

A casino without slots is as good as empty. This is because slots are the most popular game, both offline and online. As such, slot machines often comprise 80%+ of any given casino’s gaming selection.

As a latvian player, you can browse through hundreds of classic, video and progressive slots. These games come with various unique features, payout mechanics and bonus structures.

Starburst, thunderstruck II, blood suckers, the one armed bandit, vikings go wild – these are just a few examples of the most popular online titles.

Table games

Slots may be the head honchos of online gaming, but a good set of table games is the cherry on top. Fortunately, latvian casinos spare no expenses when it comes to table games. You can browse through numerous variants of staples such as blackjack, roulette, poker and baccarat.

What’s more, many latvian brands have fully-fledged live casinos. There, you can enjoy live games via HD streams, hosted in professional studios from across the globe. Live casinos take immersion to the next level, and offer an unmatched gaming experience in the online gambling world.

Some of the most popular live dealer tables are blackjack party, immersive roulette, deal or no deal and football studio, to name a few.

Online casino bonuses latvia

At any latvian online casinos, bonuses are to be expected. This is the greatest benefit of competition; more benefits to customers. Therefore, latvian players will be showered in bonuses of all types.

However, be careful not to consider bonuses as free money. Most promotions have terms of use that must be respected, otherwise you risk forfeiting your bonus cash and any winnings.

Have a look at the most popular bonus types available at latvian internet casinos.

Welcome bonuses

Every online casino player is familiar with the welcome bonus – the most valuable promotion type in existence. Casino sites use the welcome bonus as a tool to attract new customers, thus they offer a valuable welcome bonus that will double or triple your bankroll up to a certain maximum amount.

Before claiming a welcome bonus, make sure to read the fine print. Taking a few moments of your time to read the wagering requirements, max cashout restrictions and eligible games can save you lots of headaches down the line.

Free spins bonuses

If you like slots, then you will love free spins bonuses. They are extremely common among online casinos. Operators offer them as part of welcome bonuses, as standalone promos on a weekly basis, or during major holidays throughout the year.

No deposit bonuses

No deposit bonuses are highly sought-after among online casino players. They are rarely found, especially in latvian-licensed online casinos, but they tend to appear from time to time.

There are no drawbacks to claiming a no deposit bonus. Of course, wagering requirements and other bonus terms must be respected. However, the most important bit of this bonus type is that you are not risking a cent of your own cash. It offers a great way of exploring a new casino and earning some extra cash in the process.

�� do I have to pay taxes on casino winnings in latvia?

According to latvian law, all gambling winnings over €3000 are subject to a tax rate of 23%. Players who earn more than €50,000 in gambling winnings over the tax year will be taxed at a rate of 31,4%.

The online casinos that have a license issued by the latvian government are free to access for all latvian players. Customers must pay taxes on all winnings from these casinos.

The penalty for playing at foreign online casinos that are not approved by the government is €350. Players who are caught avoiding taxes will be fined by 23% on all winnings over €3000. This is the same as the standard tax rate.

Since foreign casino sites are technically illegal, the law is not clear whether you should pay taxes on these winnings.

�� can I play with euro at latvian online casinos?

Absolutely. The euro is the currency of choice in all european online casinos. It is also latvia’s official currency as of 2014. Therefore, you will be free to use your native currency for deposits, withdrawals and wagering.

If you are using different currencies in your payment method and online casino, a currency conversion fee will be applied.

�� is it safe to play at latvian online casinos?

Playing at online casinos licensed and regulated by the government of latvia is 100% legal and safe.

Casino sites based outside the country and licensed by the malta gaming authority, gibraltar, curacao or are not bound by any country law. However, they have an excellent reputation among millions of online gamers, and make sure their licensees respect dozens of fair play rules and regulations.

You can have a look at our latvian casino reviews for more details on licensing.

�� can I play for free at latvia online casinos?

Yes, you can. Playing for free is possible at nearly all online casinos. Before you open a game, you can select “play for fun” or “real money”. Playing for free is an excellent way of testing out games; seeing how they behave, the payout rates, and features. You have no time limits on free play, and the games’ RTP is equal as if you were playing for real. Of course, real money can’t be won in fun play.

�� can I expect bonuses at online casinos in latvia?

Bonuses and online casinos go hand in hand, latvian or otherwise. As a player, you can expect a limitless range of bonuses coming in all shapes and sizes.

The welcome bonus, exclusive to new casino players. It will often double your bankroll. Moreover, free spins promotions on certain slots, cash back bonuses that will return a portion of your lost bet. Latvian online casinos also offer regular deposit match bonuses for loyal players.

�� are there withdrawal fees at latvian online casinos?

Your typical latvian online casino will not charge any withdrawal fees when requesting a payout. There are rare exceptions, but you can always consult your online casino for more details. Typically, if fees exist, they will be present on bank transfer withdrawals.

However, your payment method may charge you a small transaction fee – especially if currency conversion is involved. Generally, the most popular e-wallet such as neteller, skrill, paypal and paysafecard have no withdrawal fees whatsoever.

�� what do I need to do to receive my winnings?

It is standard online casino policy to verify a player's identity before they can process their withdrawal. This is a security check to prevent underage gambling, money laundering and other forms of fraud.

Identity verification typically takes 24 hours. In general, casinos will ask you to send out a photographed or scanned copy of your government issued ID or passport. In addition, they will need a proof of address, which comes in the form of a utility bill to your name that is at least 3-6 months fresh.

�� how long will it take before I receive my winnings?

Assuming you’ve verified your identity, and completed any security checks that are required by the casino, your withdrawals will generally process within 24 hours if using e-wallets.

Through other methods such as debit/credit cards and bank transfer, there is a lot more bureaucracy in the process. As such, you will usually have to wait 3 to 7 business days. Online casinos have no say in this – it is up to the banks to complete the transaction.

�� which payment methods are available at latvian online casinos?

Latvian players can take advantage of plenty of payment methods such as prepaid cards, mobile payment processors, e-wallets, debit and credit cards, bank transfers and even cryptocurrency.

We’ll give you an overview of the most common secure payment methods:

  • Neteller

  • Skrill

  • VISA debit

  • Bitcoin

  • Paysafecard

  • Muchbetter

  • Ecopayz

Olybet latvia

Olybet latvia has been around for a number of years now and our experience is beginning to show in the casino and igaming world. It’s not easy to compete when so many other online casinos are founded on a near daily basis, however olybet.Lv continue to push the boundaries with a quality selection of content across multiple gambling areas.

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Olybet, previously olympic-online, was established in early 2010 and is committed to providing you with a fun online gambling experience that is safe and secure. Whether playing slots, poker or making a sport bet – all deposits made through our software are protected, our games are fair and our software is guaranteed to be virus-free.

We greatly value our clients’ patronage and strive to establish trustful relationships with each and every individual. We guarantee a prompt, personal reply to all questions all day long, 7 days a week from our customer service personnel, who are the most professional and efficient in the industry.

Olybet is hosting a wide variety of industry leading casino, poker and sportsbetting platforms from microgaming, novomatic, playtech, net entertainment, bet construct and others.

We are confident that you will enjoy your online gaming experience at olybet, and as we make it our mission to set higher industry standards for products and service, we want to hear from you. Please share your experiences with us and ideas in the comments below.

Land based casinos in latvia

Olybet latvia is owned and operated by olympic casino latvia ltd.

Olympic casino is one of the leading providers of casino entertainment in latvia operating more than 50 casinos in 14 latvia’s largest cities: riga, jurmala, ventspils, liepaja, daugavpils, jelgava, saldus, sigulda, cesis, valmiera, ogre, jekabpils, madona and rezekne, including 2 table casinos – olympic voodoo casino in riga and olympic promenade casino in liepaja.

Operations of olympic casino comply with the requirements of the international quality standard ISO 9001.

Olympic casino is a full member of the european casino association and main sponsor of the olybet latvian basketball league. Additionally, several community support projects are carried out every year in cooperation with municipalities in which olympic casino latvia operates.

Olympic casino latvia is a subsidiary of olympic entertainment group (“OEG”). The group operates in estonia, latvia, lithuania, slovakia, italy, malta and employs more than 3000 people. OEG launched operations in latvia in 2002 by acquiring gaming operator “casino daugava”. In addition to expanding it’s latvian operations OEG has successfully completed 3 more acquisitions of gaming operators in latvia – “baltic gaming” in 2005, “altea” in 2013 and “garkalns” in 2015, currently being second largest operator in latvia.

Casino online latvia

See our complete line-up of gambling properties in our online gambling sites page

Online casinos in latvia

Similarly to many countries in the eastern bloc, there was no legal gambling in latvia for 45 years, apart from the state lottery. But as soon as the country gained its independence, latvia became one of the first countries to host a land-based casino. Online casino news sites in latvia report that the first establishment of the kind was registered in the summer of 1991.

However, the market was still unregulated, which led to an increase of illegal gambling facilities. Therefore, the government started legalizing gambling by the mid-1990s so that it could fight money laundering. And as of august 2019, there are 5 brick and mortar casinos. It is possible to access online casino sites in latvia .

Are online casinos legal in latvia? Yes.
Are casino sites in latvia trustworthy? Yes.
Can I deposit via paysafecard/luminor/skrill? Yes.
Do online casino sites accept EUR? Yes.

Online casino laws in latvia

According to the gambling and lotteries law , operators can apply for a license under specific requirements by the lotteries and gambling supervision inspections of latvia (izložu un azartspēļu uzraudzības inspekcija).

There are a few licensed operators already, though gamblers still seek alternatives within the international market, as they offer more games, as well as better online casino bonuses and online casino promotions . And despite the fact that the authorities actively block isps of gambling websites, there are still ways through which they can access offshore online casino sites .

Online casino payment methods in latvia

There are several payment methods available when depositing and withdrawing winnings. Of course, every money transaction must be fully transparent so that operators can keep running safe platforms. Accordingly, the credit and debit cards of VISA and mastercard are usually accepted, but there are also alternatives that are as efficient. These include skrill, neteller, paypal, paysafecard or luminor. More information is available on the online casino reviews directory .

Online casino sites accepting EUR

Gambling is a very popular activity in latvia. And, despite the small population, the licensing system has allowed the establishment of a strong industry. As a result, gamblers can play in several online casino sites accepting EUR .

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Greatest online roulette sites in latvia

It seems that latvia is currently known as a friendly country towards gambling market. According to latvian gambling laws such as gambling and lotteries law from 2005 and the law on lottery and gambling tax and fee, online gambling is legitimate in the country. Gamblers in latvia may freely enjoy all types of casino games, bingo, lotto, table games including latvian roulette games and betting which are regulated by the lotteries and gambling supervision inspection of latvia . As per latvian gambling laws, this authority issues the licenses for supplying the casino games. Read more

In this article, we will try to be as helpful as possible by covering most of the topics which might be useful for roulette fans who are interested to play in latvia. We have made the needed research and will start with an overview of the greatest roulette casinos in latvia. Then we will continue with best roulette games including RNG roulette titles and live games, and the most lucrative bonuses in our recommended roulette sites. Of course, it’s important nowadays to discuss also the mobile-friendliness of the games in latvia. Here you may also read about the available payment methods and last but not least we will review for you the fairness and the security of gambling in latvia.

The best roulette sites in latvia

In the following lines, we will present to you the greatest roulette casinos in latvia. There are several criteria’s which we follow to choose our recommended sites. We take into consideration the games which these operators offer, especially for newbies. We focus mainly on RNG tested casinos as a guarantee that players will have fair gaming experience.

You may check this at the bottom of the main page of each casino where the logos for all partner organisations are located. Our next criteria are the welcome offer – the first bonus which newbies receive as a salute after their registration. Then we review the mobile compatibility of our recommended roulette sites which is an important advantage nowadays especially for people who lead a busy lifestyle.

We finish with the security of our selected operators because this is of great importance in the gambling industry. We easily assess this by checking if the casino is validated by leading authorities in this field such as the lotteries and gambling supervision inspection of latvia. In the table below you may find our recommended roulette casinos in latvia.

Here we will show you the advantages of the best roulette casinos in latvia which are the reason why we recommend them to latvian players . Betsafe and 11lv hold licences by the latvian key authority in the gambling industry – lotteries and gambling supervision inspection of latvia. You may check this at the bottom of the main page of each operator where the logos are attached. This is a guarantee that your earned money is protected. Another great advantage is that each of our roulette casinos welcomes their new players with a remunerative welcome offer. For example, betsafe is our leader with its welcome package of 50% cashback plus 50 free spins. The next position is taken by 11.Lv with 100 free spins on starburst.

Top roulette games in latvia

In this review, our main goal is to provide you with accurate and useful information about the alternatives to play online roulette in latvia. There two main options to choose from – RNG roulettes and live dealer roulettes. All our recommended casinos provide these two types of roulette games. Let’s see which RNG games are the most played in latvia. The roulette section of betsafe and 11.Lv includes classics like european and french roulette. At betsafe you may try a bit more contemporary addition such as virtual roulette.

Popular RNG roulette titles in latvia

All our recommended roulette sites offer a great variety of the most appreciated video roulettes in latvia. These quality rngs are developed by various providers and as a result, all games have a different view, characteristics and limits. No matter which software provider has developed the online roulettes, there are three main variations – european, french and american roulette .

All these, of course, have lots of variations which latvian gamblers enjoy. We recommend you to choose games with higher RTP – 97% or more and first try to play the games in their demo versions when the last are available. When it comes to your own money, it’s a good idea to try the game before you begin with the real bets. As we already cleared most of the details which you need to know at this stage, you can have a look below where we’ve listed most of the online roulettes which you may play in our top latvian online casinos .

The RNG roulette games which you may play in latvia are:

  • European roulette

  • European roulette pro

  • French roulette classic

  • Virtual roulette

In case you are wondering whether to start your gaming experience in latvia with live games or RNG roulettes, here we will distinguish for you the main differences between these two types of games. The live dealer games are for those of you who like to socialise and enjoy the thrill of the real game. Fancy dealers will welcome you with a smile and you can even chat with them. RNG roulettes can also be exciting and fun, just make sure to choose titles with high RTP. No matter which type of roulettes you choose we wish you good luck with placing your bets.

Live dealer roulette games?

Playing at real casinos is a bit out fashioned nowadays when the gambling industry more and more expands on the internet. Of course, this is the case with live gaming as well – today it’s not needed to go out and play your favourite live roulette games as long as you have PC and high-speed internet connection. It’s amazing how live gaming has become the ideal marriage between online gambling and live dealer gaming . That’s the reason why most casinos have implemented this new level of playing in their game libraries. Thanks to the great quality of the software provided by top developers, talking to a smiley dealer is easy and pleasant. Moreover, most of the live games have a live help option which allows you to even chat with the croupiers. You will be able also to choose from various bets and avail of advanced statistics which accompany most of the live games.

Nowadays live dealer games are among the game library of all casinos, including the roulette casinos. Fortunately, all of our top roulette casinos in latvia supply them, and all casino customers may easily try their favourite live roulette. Most of the operators does not offer demo versions of the games, that’s why we have provided the above video. Simply click on it and you will get familiar with how the roulette games function. Have in mind that most of the live roulettes have instructions and a live help function. You may communicate with the dealer and discuss with them any question which arises while you play. Are you happy to play on the go? Most of the live roulettes may be loaded via all contemporary mobile devices, you may read more on the topic in the next paragraph.

Recommended latvian roulette app

It’s well known that the future of online gambling is mobile gaming. All acknowledged operators enable their players to gamble via their mobile devices. Our recommended roulette casinos are not an exception, all of them have great mobile versions which allow you to play on the go. You can load instantly your favourite roulette games. Maybe you are wondering what do we mean by a quality web app? Well, firstly, the gambling experience won’t be that different we will explain to you why. The web apps of our recommended operators are secure and guarantee that your data will be protected . They are developed by noble software providers which is a sign of great quality. Below you may see our recommended top mobile casino.

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1. Betsafe 50% cashback + 50 free spins 3 13 17